You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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## error types
### Instructions
For this exercise, you will have to implement an **error type**.
The main objective is to create a form validator, where you must implement an
error type. This must validate the password and the first name. The
first name must not be empty and the password must have at least 8 char and a combination of alphanumeric and none alphanumeric ASCII characters
ex: "asDd123=%" => good
"asgfD" => error
"asdsdf2" => error
"sad\_#$" => error
Create a structure called `Form` that will have the following fields:
- `first_name`, that will be a string
- `last_name`, that will be a string
- `birth`, of type `NaiveDate` that will convert a string "2015-09-05" to a date of that format
- `sex`, SexType that must be a `enum` with the fields `Male` and `Female`
- `birth_location`, that will be a string
- `password`, that will be a string
You must also implement for this structure a function to initialize the structure, `new` and a function called
`validate` that will validate the form
For the error type you must create a type struct called `FErr`, that will be the type for the error
It must have the fields:
- `form_values`, this will be a tuple of strings that will save the value that the user inserted into the form
ex: ("password", "asdaSD\_")
("first_name", "someone")
- `date`, that will have the date that the error occurred in the format "2020-12-14 09:33:41"
- `err`, that will have the error description:
- "No user name"
- "At least 8 characters"
- "Combination of different ASCII character types (numbers, letters and none alphanumeric characters)"
### Notions
- [Error types](
- [Struct NaiveDate](
### Expected Function
pub use chrono::{Utc, NaiveDate};
// this will be the structure that wil handle the errors
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct FErr {
// expected public fields
impl FErr {
pub fn new(name: String, error: String, err: String) -> FErr {}
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum SexType {
// expected public fields
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Form {
// expected public fields
impl Form {
pub fn new(first_name: String,
last_name: String,
birth: NaiveDate,
sex: SexType,
birth_location: String,
password: String) -> Form {}
pub fn validate(&self) -> Result<Vec<&str>, FErr> {}
### Usage
Here is a program to test your function:
use error_types::*;
fn main() {
let mut form_output = Form::new(
println!("{:?}", form_output);
println!("{:?}", form_output.validate().unwrap());
form_output.first_name = String::from("");
println!("{:?}", form_output.validate().unwrap_err());
form_output.first_name = String::from("as");
form_output.password = String::from("dty_1");
println!("{:?}", form_output.validate().unwrap_err());
form_output.password = String::from("asdasASd(_");
println!("{:?}", form_output.validate().unwrap_err());
form_output.password = String::from("asdasASd123SA");
println!("{:?}", form_output.validate().unwrap_err());
And its output:
student@ubuntu:~/[[ROOT]]/test$ cargo run
Form { first_name: "Lee", last_name: "Silva", birth: 2015-09-05, sex: Male, birth_location: "Africa", password: "qwqwsa1dty_" }
["Valid first name", "Valid password"]
FErr { form_values: ("first_name", ""), date: "2020-12-28 13:29:11", err: "No user name" }
FErr { form_values: ("password", "dty_1"), date: "2020-12-28 13:29:11", err: "At least 8 characters" }
FErr { form_values: ("password", "asdasASd(_"), date: "2020-12-28 13:29:11", err: "Combination of different ASCII character types (numbers, letters and none alphanumeric characters)" }
FErr { form_values: ("password", "asdasASd123SA"), date: "2020-12-28 13:29:11", err: "Combination of different ASCII character types (numbers, letters and none alphanumeric characters)" }