* The **title** of your object will be the title displayed to your candidates. Use an intellegible title for your user.
> NB: you can always edit it in the *Admin*
* The **type** depends on the nature of your object:
* **Campus** is used to declare a school.
* Examples: *Alem*, *Madeira*, etc.
* Campus can contains cursus: *Alem* contains for example *01-classical* and *Piscine Go*.
* **Cursus** is used to declare a course.
* Examples: *01-classical*, *Piscine Go*, etc.
* Cursuses can contains cursuses: the main cursus *01-classical*, for example, contains cursuses like *Piscine Go*, but also all the branches that the student have access to, as *Web*, *Security*, *Algorythm*, *Design*, etc.
* Cursuses can contains quests: *Piscine Go* of *01-classical* contains quests like *Quest 1* or *Quest 2*.
* **Quest** is used to declare a project.
* Examples: *Quest 1*, *Quest 2*, etc.
* Quest contains exercises: *Quest 1* of *Piscine Go* contains exercises like *printalphabet* or *printcomb*.
* Exercise is used to declare exercises
* Examples: *printalphabet*, *printcomb*, *atoi*, etc.
* Exercises doesn't contains any children.
* Signup is used to declare steps of the registration.
* Examples: *Using our services*, *Tell us more about you*, etc.
* One major object *Sign up* contains all the sign up's modular steps : *Using our services*, *Tell us more about you*, etc.
* Onbaording is used to declare steps of the onbaording.
* Examples: *Toad*, *Administration*, *Additional Informations*, *Chart 01*, etc.
* Three main objects define the major steps of the onboarding : *Toad*, *Administration*, *Piscine*.
* *Administration* contains modular steps: *Additional Informations*, *Chart 01*, etc.
> The child object is then available in the *Admin*. It can be found in the section of its type or thanks to the search bar of the cursus object's page.
> * for setting attributes of an object: (soon available)
> * for setting children of an object: [Child object creation](https://github.com/01-edu/public/blob/master/doc/child-object-creation.md)
> * for creation of modular steps in Sign up and onboarding's Administration object: [Modular step management](https://github.com/01-edu/public/blob/master/doc/modular-steps-management.md)