#### Functional
###### Has the requirement for the allowed packages been respected? (Reminder for this project: only [standard packages](https://golang.org/pkg/))
##### Play and finish the game.
###### Does it asks for a name?
##### Play and finish the game.
###### Does the scoreboard appear?
##### Try making a GET request to the GO server API.
###### Does the request present the right information?
##### Try making a POST request to the GO server API, then make a GET request to see if the information posted is correct.
###### Is the information correct?
###### Does the scoreboard have position, name and score properties?
###### Is the scoreboard in descending order (ordered by score)?
###### Does the scoreboard have pagination?
##### Try to see the next page.
###### Does it display the next page of scores correctly?
##### Play and finish the game, then search for your name.
###### Does the scoreboard present your name and all the right information?
##### Try using the Dev Tool/Performance.
###### Does it not present frame drop?
##### Try using the Dev Tool/Performance
###### Does the game run at/or around 60fps?
#### Bonus
###### +Does the project runs quickly and effectively? (Favoring recursive, no unnecessary data requests, etc)
###### +Does the code obey the [good practices](../../good-practices/README.md)?
###### +Is the code using synchronicity to increase performance?
###### +Do you think in general this project is well done?