You will also have to create a `User` struct which has:
- elements:
-`name`: `String`
-`acessLevel`: `enum`
- associated functions:
-`new`: which initializes the struct.
-`send_name`: which takes only **self** as argument and returns an **Option<&str>** with `None` if the user is a guest or the `name` if the `AccessLevel` has any of the other options.
-`check_user_name`: which takes a `User`, calls `send_name` and returns a **tuple** with `true` and the user `name` if `send_name` returns the name or `false` and `"Error: User is guest"` if not
### Expected Functions and Data Structures
pub enum AccessLevel {}
pub struct User {}
impl User {
pub fn new(name: String, level: AccessLevel) -> User {}