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## Cloud-Kube
src="./resources/cloud-kube.png?raw=true" style = "width: 600px
!important; height: 600px !important;"/>
### Objective
The objective of this project is to challenge your understanding of DevOps and
cloud technologies by providing hands-on experience in deploying and managing a
microservices-based application with a Cloud Provider platform. Your mission is
You are a Cloud engineer working with a scalable company and your manager want
you to create an infrastructure based on Kubernetes in a cloud provider of
you choice, so your team can benefit from the features and scalability of
Set up and configure a Cloud Provider environment for deploying microservices.
Deploy the provided microservices' application to the defined environment.
Implement monitoring, logging, and scaling to ensure that the application runs
efficiently. Implement security measures, such as securing the databases and
making private resources accessible only from a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
Incorporate managed authentication for publicly accessible applications using
an Authentication management services (e.g. AWS Cognito). Optimize the
application to handle varying workloads and unexpected events.
### Hints
Before starting this project, you should know the following:
- Basic DevOps concepts and practices.
- Familiarity with containerization and orchestration tools, such as Docker and
- Understanding of your chosen Cloud provider platform.
- Familiarity with Terraform as a Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools.
- Knowledge of monitoring and logging tools, such as Prometheus, Grafana, and
ELK stack.
> Any lack of understanding of the concepts of this project may affect the
> difficulty of future projects, take your time to understand all concepts.
> Be curious and never stop searching!
### Role play
To enhance the learning experience and assess your knowledge, a role play
question session will be included as part of the `Cloud-Kube` Project.
This section will involve answering a series of questions in a simulated
real-world scenario where you assume the role of a Cloud engineer explaining
your solution to a team or stakeholder.
The goal of the role play question session is to:
- Assess your understanding of the concepts and technologies used in the
- Test your ability to communicate effectively and explain your decisions.
- Challenge you to think critically about your solution and consider
alternative approaches.
Prepare for a role play question session where you will assume the role of a
Cloud engineer presenting your solution to your team or a stakeholder. You
should be ready to answer questions and provide explanations about your
decisions, architecture, and implementation.
### Architecture
By using the [provided container
images]( you have to define your
K8s manifests and deploy your infrastructure on your chosen cloud
provider respecting the project requirements, consisting of the following
- `inventory-database container` is a PostgreSQL database server that contains
your inventory database, it must be accessible via port `5432`.
- `billing-database container` is a PostgreSQL database server that contains
your billing database, it must be accessible via port `5432`.
- `inventory-app container` is a server that contains your
inventory-app code running and connected to the inventory database and
accessible via port `8080`.
- `billing-app container` is a server that contains your billing-app
code running and connected to the billing database and consuming the messages
from the RabbitMQ queue, and it can be accessed via port `8080`.
- `RabbitMQ container` is a RabbitMQ server that contains the queue.
- `api-gateway-app container` is a server that contains your
API Gateway code running and forwarding the requests to the other
services, and it's accessible via port `3000`.
Design the architecture for your cloud-based microservices' application. You
are free to choose the services and architectural patterns that best suit your
needs, as long as they meet the project requirements and remain within a
reasonable cost range. Consider the following when designing your architecture:
1. `Scalability`: Ensure that your architecture can handle varying workloads
and can scale up or down as needed. AWS offers services like Auto Scaling
that can be used to achieve this.
2. `Availability`: Design your architecture to be fault-tolerant and maintain
high availability, even in the event of component failures.
3. `Security`: Incorporate security best practices into your architecture, such
as encrypting data at rest and in transit, using private networks, and
securing API endpoints. Also, ensure that the databases and private
resources are accessible only from the VPC and using the cloud provider
managed authentication for publicly accessible applications.
4. `Cost-effectiveness`: Be mindful of the costs associated with the services
and resources you select. Aim to design a cost-effective architecture
without compromising performance, security, or scalability.
5. `Simplicity`: Keep your architecture as simple as possible, while still
meeting the project requirements. Avoid overcomplicating the design with
unnecessary components or services.
### Cost management:
1. `Understand the pricing model`: Familiarize yourself with the pricing model
of the cloud provider and services you are using. Be aware of any free
tiers, usage limits, and pay-as-you-go pricing structures.
2. `Monitor your usage`: Regularly check your cloud provider's billing
dashboard to keep track of your usage and spending. Set up billing alerts to
notify you when your spending exceeds a certain threshold.
3. `Clean up resources`: Remember to delete or stop any resources that you no
longer need, such as virtual machines, storage services, and load balancers.
This will help you avoid ongoing charges for idle resources.
4. `Optimize resource allocation`: Use the appropriate resource sizes for your
needs and experiment with different configurations to find the most
cost-effective solution. Consider using spot instances, reserved instances,
or committed use contracts to save on costs, if applicable.
5. `Leverage cost management tools`: Many cloud providers offer cost management
tools and services to help you optimize your spending. Use these tools to
analyze your usage patterns and identify opportunities for cost savings.
> By being aware of your cloud usage and proactively managing your resources,
> you can avoid unexpected costs and make the most of your cloud environment.
> Remember that the responsibility for cost management lies with you, and it is
> crucial to stay vigilant and proactive throughout the project.
### Infrastructure as Code:
Provision the necessary resources for your Cloud environment using Terraform as
an Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools. This includes setting up Cloud computing
instances, containers, networking components, and storage services (e.g. AWS
### Deployment:
Deploy the containerized microservices on your cloud provider using K8s. You can
choose to a cloud provider K8s managed service or deploy your cluster directly
on a cloud computing instance.
Ensure that the services are load-balanced (consider using a load
balancer) and can communicate with each other securely.
### Monitoring and logging:
Set up monitoring and logging tools to track the performance and health of your
application. Use tools like Prometheus, Grafana, ELK stack or any managed
service offered by your chosen cloud provider to visualize metrics and logs.
### Optimization:
Implement auto-scaling policies to handle varying workloads and ensure high
availability. Test the application under different load scenarios and adjust
the resources accordingly.
### Security:
Implement security best practices by provisioning and managing SSL/TLS
certificates for HTTPS, securing API endpoints with an API Gateway, regularly
scanning for vulnerabilities with a proper service, and implementing managed
authentication for publicly accessible applications with an authentication
management services. Ensure that the databases and private resources are secure
and accessible only from the VPC.
### Documentation
Create a `` file that provides comprehensive documentation for your
architecture, which must include well-structured diagrams, thorough
descriptions of components, and an explanation of your design decisions,
presented in a clear and concise manner. Make sure it contains all the
necessary information about the solution (prerequisites, setup, configuration,
usage, ...). This file must be submitted as part of the solution for the
### Bonus
If you complete the mandatory part successfully, and you still have free time,
you can implement anything that you feel deserves to be a bonus, for example:
- Use your own container images instead of the provided ones.
- Use `Content Delivery Network (CDN)` to optimize your solution.
- Implementing alert systems to ensure your application runs smoothly.
Challenge yourself!
### Submission and audit
Upon completing this project, you should submit the following:
- Your documentation in the `` file.
- Source code for the microservices and any scripts used for deployment.
- Configuration files for your Infrastructure as Code (IaC), containerization,
and orchestration tools.