You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

39 lines
860 B

## swapbits
For this exercise a function will be tested **with the exam own main**. However the student **still needs** to submit a structured program:
This means that:
- The package needs to be named `package main`.
5 years ago
- The submitted code needs one declared function main(`func main()`) even if empty.
- The function main declared needs to **also pass** the `Restrictions Checker`(illegal functions tester). It is advised for the student to just empty the function main after its own testings are done.
- Every other rules are obviously the same than for a `program`.
### Instructions
Write a function that takes a `byte`, swaps its halfs (like the
example) and returns the result.
### Expected function
func SwapBits(octet byte) byte {
1 byte
0100 | 0001
\ /
/ \
0001 | 0100