Depending on the type of event, your event handler will control the size, color and position of the notification.
Create a method named `notify` which returns a `Notification` with the following characteristics for each of:
-`size`: `50`
-`color`: `(50, 50, 50)`
-`position`: `Bottom`
-`content`: the slice associated to the enum value.
-`size`: `30`
-`color`: `(255, 2, 22)`
-`position`: `Top`
-`content`: `"You have {duration} left before the registration ends"`
-`size: 100`
-`color: (200, 200, 3)`
-`position: Center`
-`content: text associated to the value`
-`size`: `25`
-`color`: `(0, 255, 0)`
-`position`: `Top`
-`content`: `"Enjoy your holiday"`
`duration` must be displayed in the form of `{hours}H:{minutes}M:{seconds}S`. The time will represent the remaining time before the event starts. For example, if there are 2 hours, 32 minutes and 3 seconds left, then the content will be `"You have 13H:38M:14S left before the registration ends"`
Implement the `std::fmt::Display` trait so the text of the notifications are printed in the right color in the command line.