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## borrow_me_the_reference
### Instructions
Ownership is Rust's most unique feature, and it enables Rust to make memory safety guarantees without
needing garbage collector. Therefore you must understand ownership in rust.
Create the following functions :
- `delete_and_backspace`, imagine that `-` represents the backspace key and the `+` represents the delete key, this function must receive a borrowed string and turn this string into the string without the backspaces and the deletes.
- `is_correct` that borrows a Vector of string literals with some correct and incorrect math equations and replaces the correct equations with `✔` and the wrong with `✘` and returns a `usize` with the percentage of correct equations.
### Expected Functions
pub fn delete_and_backspace(s: &mut String) {
pub fn is_correct(v: &mut Vec<&str>) -> usize {
### Notions
### Usage
Here is a program to test your function
use borrow_me_the_reference::{delete_and_backspace, is_correct};
fn main() {
let mut a = String::from("bpp--o+er+++sskroi-++lcw");
let mut b: Vec<&str> = vec!["2+2=4", "3+2=5", "10-3=3", "5+5=10"];
// - If a value does **not implement Copy**, it must be **borrowed** and so will be passed by **reference**.
delete_and_backspace(&mut a); // the reference of the value
let per = is_correct(&mut b); // the reference of the value
println!("{:?}", (a, b, per));
// output: ("borrow", ["✔", "✔", "✘", "✔"], 75)
And its output
student@ubuntu:~/[[ROOT]]/test$ cargo run
("borrow", ["✔", "✔", "✘", "✔"], 75)