###### Is this user saved in the data storage (text file `"./data/users.txt"` or database), and if so, are all credentials correct (name and password)?
##### Try to create two accounts with the user Alice, then select the option `"Update information of account"` and select an account number that does not exist for Alice.
##### Resorting to the user Alice, try and select the option `"Update information of account"` and select one of the accounts you created for Alice. Then update the phone number of that account.
##### Resorting to the user Alice, try and select the option `"Update information of account"` and select one of the accounts you created for Alice. Then update the country of that account.
##### Resorting to the user Alice, try to create a new account with: date `"10/10/2012"` account number `"834213"`, country `"UK"`, phone number `"291231392"`, deposit amount $`"1001.20"`, type of account `"saving"`. Then select `"Check accounts"` choose the account you just created.
##### Resorting to the user Alice create again an account but with account number `"320421"` and type of account `"fixed01"` with the rest of the information as in the last account. Then select `"Check accounts"` and choose the account you just created.
##### Resorting to the user Alice create again an account but with account number `"3214"` and type of account `"fixed02"` with the rest of the information as in the last account. Then select `"Check accounts"` and choose the account you just created.
##### Resorting to the user Alice create again an account but with account number `"3212"` and type of account `"fixed03"` with the rest of the information as in the last account. Then select `"Check accounts"` and choose the account you just created.
##### Create another user named `"Michel"`. Then by using Alice select the option `"transfer owner"` and try to transfer ownership of the account `"3212"` to Michel.
###### Were you able to transfer the ownership of this account to Michel? And if so did it update both application and data storage (text file `"records.txt"` or database)?