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## Bring it to life
### Instructions
Still there? Well done! But hold on, here begins the serious part... In order to control your creation, you're going to plug its brain: JavaScript.
[`Link a JS script`]( to your HTML file.
In this script, you're going to close the left eye of your entity.
To do so, you have to target the `eye-left` HTML element by its `id` thanks to the [`getElementById`]( method. Then, [change the `style`]( of your `eye-left` to set its background color to black. We also need to modify its shape ; for that we are going to add a new class to it.
First, define this new class in your CSS file:
.eye-closed {
height: 4px;
padding: 0 5px;
border-radius: 10px;
In the JS file, add the freshly-created class `eye-closed` to the [`classList`]( of your `eye-left` element, and [set its style property]( background color to "black".
Reload the page - it's alive! Your JS brain has control and orders your HTML/CSS body to close one eye.
### Code examples
Get a HTML element by its `id` & set its inline style:
const myDiv = document.getElementById('my-div') = 'green'
### Expected output
This is what you should see in the browser:
### Notions
- [Link a JS script](
- [`getElementById`](
- [`classList` / `add()`](
- [Setting style with JS](