#### Functional
###### Does the AI crash because of too much usage of CPU?
##### Modify the link so that the users are the audited **GITHUB_LOGIN**
##### and **random**. Try three times, changing the seed each time. The best of three, wins
###### Did the audited AI won against random AI?
##### Modify the link so that the users are the audited **GITHUB_LOGIN**
##### and **right**. Try three times, changing the seed each time. The best of three, wins
###### Did the audited AI won against right AI?
##### Modify the link so that the users are the audited **GITHUB_LOGIN**
##### and **snail**. Try three times, changing the seed each time. The best of three, wins
###### Did the audited AI won against snail AI?
###### Does the code avoid [deep nesting](https://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/top-15-best-practices-for-writing-super-readable-code--net-8118)?
##### Modify the link so that the users are the audited **GITHUB_LOGIN**
##### and **hardAI**. Try three times, changing the seed each time. The best of three, wins
###### Did the audited AI won against hardAI AI?
#### Bonus
##### Modify the link so that the users are the audited **GITHUB_LOGIN**
##### and **licence-to-kill**. Try three times, changing the seed each time. The best of three, wins
###### +Did the audited AI won against licence-to-kill AI?
##### If you have an AI
##### Modify the link so that the users are the audited **GITHUB_LOGIN**
##### and **your AI**. Try three times, changing the seed each time. The best of three, wins
###### Did the audited AI won against your AI?