You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

169 lines
3.8 KiB

package main
import (
5 years ago
type (
vect struct{ x, y int }
// the tetromino is described with three vectors
// example :
// [#][#][#]
// [#]
// tetromino{{1, 0}, {2, 0}, {1, 1}}
tetromino [3]vect
// load a tetromino composed of the rune r in the map s
// example :
// read(`......
// ......
// ......
// ....X.
// ..XXX.
// ......
// `,
// 'X',
// ) == tetromino{{-2, 1}, {-1, 1}, {0, 1}}
func read(s string, r rune) (t tetromino) {
var origin vect
i := 0
first := true
lines := strings.Split(s, "\n")
for y, line := range lines {
for x, rr := range line {
if rr == r {
if first {
first = false
origin = vect{x, y}
} else {
t[i] = vect{x - origin.x, y - origin.y}
if i == 3 {
return tetromino{}
func main() {
var (
timeout = 30 * time.Second
samples = "./solutions/tetrisoptimizer/samples"
student = "./student/tetrisoptimizer"
exe = filepath.Join(student, "a.out")
// load samples
f, err := os.Open(samples)
if err != nil {
lib.Fatal("Cannot open directory", err)
defer f.Close()
filenames, err := f.Readdirnames(0)
if err != nil {
lib.Fatal("Cannot read directory", err)
// separate samples into good (valid) and bad (invalid) files
var goodFiles, badFiles []string
for _, filename := range filenames {
if strings.HasPrefix(filename, "good") {
goodFiles = append(goodFiles, filepath.Join(samples, filename))
} else if strings.HasPrefix(filename, "bad") {
badFiles = append(badFiles, filepath.Join(samples, filename))
// compile student code
cmd := exec.Command("go", "build", "-o", exe, "-trimpath", "-ldflags", "-s -w", student)
cmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), "CGO_ENABLED=0", "GOARCH=amd64")
if out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput(); err != nil {
lib.Fatal("Cannot compile :", string(out))
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), timeout)
defer cancel()
// test invalid cases
for _, badFile := range badFiles {
b, _ := exec.CommandContext(ctx, exe, badFile).CombinedOutput()
if string(b) != "ERROR\n" {
lib.Fatal(`Failed to handle bad format, should output : "ERROR\n"`)
// test valid cases
score := .0
defer func() {
fmt.Println("score =", score)
for _, goodFile := range goodFiles {
size, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.Split(goodFile, "-")[2])
b, err := exec.CommandContext(ctx, exe, goodFile).Output()
if ctx.Err() == context.DeadlineExceeded {
if err != nil {
lib.Fatal("Failed to process a valid map : execution failed")
s := string(b)
lines := strings.Split(s, "\n")
if lines[len(lines)-1] != "" {
lib.Fatal(`Failed to process a valid map : missing final '\n'`)
lines = lines[:len(lines)-1]
for _, line := range lines {
if len(line) != len(lines) {
lib.Fatal("Failed to process a valid map : invalid square, it is expected as many lines as characters")
if len(lines) < size {
lib.Fatal("Failed to process a valid map : the square cannot be that small")
b, err = ioutil.ReadFile(goodFile)
if err != nil {
lib.Fatal("Failed to read a valid map")
pieces := strings.Split(string(b), "\n\n")
surface := len(lines) * len(lines)
if strings.Count(s, ".") != surface-len(pieces)*4 {
lib.Fatal("Failed to process a valid map : the number of holes (character '.') is not correct")
letter := 'A'
for _, piece := range pieces {
if read(s, letter) != read(piece, '#') {
lib.Fatal("Failed to process a valid map : a tetromino is missing")
letter += 1
score += float64(size*size) / float64(surface)
// TODO:
// Fix path
// Add error cases :
// wrong arguments
// bad file types (links, folders)