On this one you will learn the basics of interaction using objects, learn the use of blueprint interface and learn stereoscopic sphere texturing. How, you ask? By creating a game in which you will be in a city and will be looking for interaction points in order to travel through the map. And do not to look straight at the end of the subject.
You will have to create a game that uses the mouse as if it were the player head in a VR game. You will navigate through the map using the mouse, focusing in certain points in order to "teleport" to that location.
### Instructions
After creating a blank project and importing the content from the provided folder, you should focus on the following points to accomplish the previous explained features:
- The design of the interaction point is up to you, but it should display a text underneath it, indicating where this interaction point is going to lead the player to (burger store, metro, park, etc...).
- There should always be an interaction point visible to the player, somewhere in the world that lets the player quit, no matter where the player is in the map.
- Use an interaction timer to set how many times should the player look at an interaction point in order to travel to the next space (like on the video example). In other words, the player should look for a while at the interaction point before getting teleported to the next scene.
After downloading and unzipping this [file](https://assets.01-edu.org/Unreal-Engine-Piscine/MouseVR.zip), you can copy its content to your project Content folder.