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## temperature_conv
### Instructions
Write two functions which convert values of temperatures from `fahrenheit` to `celcius` and the other way around.
To pass this exercise you must use (9/5) in **both** functions.
### Expected functions
pub fn fahrenheit_to_celsius(f: f64) -> f64 {
pub fn celsius_to_fahrenheit(c: f64) -> f64 {
### Usage
use temperature_conv::*;
fn main() {
println!("{} F = {} C", -459.67, fahrenheit_to_celsius(-459.67));
println!("{} C = {} F", 0.0, celsius_to_fahrenheit(0.0));
And its output:
student@ubuntu:~/temperature_conv/test$ cargo run
-459.67 F = -273.15 C
0 C = 32 F