You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

42 lines
1.7 KiB

> Due to file size reason, the solution might be uploaded on GitHub instead of Gitea!
#### Functional
###### Does the player move correctly forward, backward, left and right?
###### Does the player rotate according to the mouse movement?
###### Can you see the coordinates of the player position in a corner?
###### As you are moving through the map, are the coordinates on the widget changing?
###### Did the Start menu popped up, when the Esc key is pressed?
###### Is the game on the background paused? (check on the Player blueprint if the game pause is set)
###### On the click release, did the quit button on the start menu exited the game?
###### When clicked, did the resume button on the start menu resumed the game?
###### When clicked, did the username buttons on the start menu opened the Intra profile of the correct students?
###### When clicked, did the Graphics Settings button on the start menu opened another widget with the different settings to change?
###### Does the Graphics Settings menu contain a “resolution scale” slider and a dropdown menu list with a minimum of 3 different resolutions?
###### Are the Shadow Quality, Post Process, Texture Quality, Effects Quality and Foliage Quality settings present in the Graphics Settings menu?
###### Do all previous settings contain four choices ("LOW", "MEDIUM", "HIGH" and "EPIC")?
###### Did the widget fit the screen in whatever resolution the game was set on?
###### Was the 25 string variables limit respected?
#### Bonus
###### +Was there a resolution confirmation button when changing resolution?
###### +Was the “On Release” attribute of the buttons used instead of the "On Pressed"?
###### +Are the default screen resolution automatically set to get the best computer performance?