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4 years ago
## GraphQL
### Objectives
The objective of this project is to learn the [GraphQL]( query language, by creating your own profile page.
4 years ago
You'll use the GraphQL endpoint which is provided by the platform (`https://((DOMAIN))/api/graphql-engine/v1/graphql`). You'll be able to query your own data to populate your profile page.
So that you can access your data, you'll need to create a login page.
Your profile must display three pieces of information which you may choose. For example:
4 years ago
- Basic user identification
- XP amount
- grades
- audits
4 years ago
- skills
Beside those sections it will have a mandatory section for the generation of statistic graphs.
4 years ago
### Instructions
You will have to create a profile UI where you can see your own school information. This information/data is present on the GraphQL endpoint, where you will have to query it.
The UI design is up to you. However, it must have a statistic section where you can generate graphs to see more about your journey and achievements on the school. This graphs must be done using [SVG]( You need to do at least **two different statistic graphs** for the data given. Bare in mind the principles of a [good UI](../good-practices/
4 years ago
Using SVG you can create several [types of graphs]( including interactive graphs and animated graph. It will be up to you to decide what type of graphs you are going to do.
4 years ago
4 years ago
Here are some possible combinations for the creation of the graphs:
4 years ago
- XP earned in a time period (progress over time)
- XP earned by project
- Audit ratio
- Projects `PASS` and `FAIL` ratio
- Piscine (JS/Go) stats
- `PASS` and `FAIL` ratio
- Attempts for each exercise
4 years ago
4 years ago
Any other information you desire to display is welcome and will be noted.
4 years ago
### Login Page
2 years ago
You'll need a [JWT]( to access the GraphQL API. A JWT can be obtained from the `signin` endpoint (`https://((DOMAIN))/api/auth/signin`).
4 years ago
You may make a `POST` request to the `signin` endpoint, and supply your credentials using `Basic` authentication, with base64 encoding.
Your login page must function with both:
- username:password
- email:password
If the credentials are invalid, an appropriate error message must be displayed.
4 years ago
You must provide a method to log out.
4 years ago
When making GraphQL queries, you'll supply the JWT using `Bearer` authentication. It will only allow access to the data belonging to the authenticated user.
> You may inspect the JWT to discover the ID of the authenticated user.
### Hosting
Besides the creation of your own profile you will have to host it. There are several places where you can host your profile, for example: [github-pages](, [netlify]( and so on. You are free to choose the hosting place.
Here are a selection of interesting tables and columns which are exposed via GraphQL:
4 years ago
- **user** table:
4 years ago
This table will have information about the user.
| id | login |
| --- | ------: |
| 1 | person1 |
4 years ago
- **transaction** table:
4 years ago
This table will give you access to `XP` and through `user` table you can get to the `audits ratio` as well.
| id | type | amount | objectId | userId | createdAt | path |
| --- | :--: | -----: | -------: | -----: | -------------------------------: | ---------------------: |
| 1 | xp | 234 | 42 | 1 | 2021-07-26T13:04:02.301092+00:00 | /madere/div-01/graphql |
| 2 | xp | 1700 | 2 | 1 | 2021-07-26T13:04:02.301092+00:00 | /madere/div-01/graphql |
| 3 | xp | 175 | 64 | 1 | 2021-07-26T13:04:02.301092+00:00 | /madere/div-01/graphql |
4 years ago
- **progress** table:
4 years ago
| id | userId | objectId | grade | createdAt | updatedAt | path |
| --- | :----: | -------: | ----: | -------------------------------: | -------------------------------: | --------------------------: |
| 1 | 1 | 3001 | 1 | 2021-07-26T13:04:02.301092+00:00 | 2021-07-26T13:04:02.301092+00:00 | /madere/piscine-go/quest-01 |
| 2 | 1 | 198 | 0 | 2021-07-26T13:04:02.301092+00:00 | 2021-07-26T13:04:02.301092+00:00 | /madere/piscine-go/quest-01 |
| 3 | 1 | 177 | 1 | 2021-07-26T13:04:02.301092+00:00 | 2021-07-26T13:04:02.301092+00:00 | /madere/piscine-go/quest-01 |
4 years ago
- **result** table:
4 years ago
Both `progress` and `result` table will give you the student progression.
| id | objectId | userId | grade | type | createdAt | updatedAt | path |
| --- | -------: | -----: | ----: | ---: | -------------------------------: | -------------------------------: | ---------------------: |
| 1 | 3 | 1 | 0 | | 2021-07-26T13:04:02.301092+00:00 | 2021-07-26T13:04:02.301092+00:00 | /madere/div-01/graphql |
| 2 | 23 | 1 | 0 | | 2021-07-26T13:04:02.301092+00:00 | 2021-07-26T13:04:02.301092+00:00 | /madere/div-01/graphql |
| 3 | 41 | 1 | 1 | | 2021-07-26T13:04:02.301092+00:00 | 2021-07-26T13:04:02.301092+00:00 | /madere/div-01/graphql |
4 years ago
- **object** table:
4 years ago
This table will give you information about all objects (exercises/projects).
| id | name | type | attrs |
| --- | ---: | -------: | ----: |
| 1 | 0 | exercise | `{}` |
| 2 | 0 | project | `{}` |
| 3 | 1 | exercise | `{}` |
For more information about the tables and their columns you check out the [database-structure]( and [database-relations](
4 years ago
Lets take for instance the table `user` and try to query it:
user {
This simple query will return an array with the `id` of the authenticated user. If you wanted the `login`,
you could just add the attribute to the query like so:
user {
Here is another example of a query using the table `user`:
object(where: { id: { _eq: 3323 }}) {
> Note: that for this query the introduction of variables (arguments) is **required**, so it will return just one object with the `id` equal to `3323`.
In GraphQL, the usage of arguments are specified in the schema. You can see the available query parameters by introspecting the API.
2 years ago
> If you're logged in to the platform, you may access [GraphiQL](<https://((DOMAIN))/graphiql/>) to more easily explore the schema.
Example of nesting using the `result` and `user` table:
result {
user {
For this example we ask for the results `id` and `user` that is associated to the `result`, requesting the user `login` and his `id`.
4 years ago
**You must use all the types of querying present above** (_normal_, _nested_ and using _arguments_), do not forget that you can use the types together or separately.
4 years ago
This project will help you learn about:
- [GraphQL](
- [GraphiQL](
4 years ago
- [Hosting](
- [JWT](
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Basics of human-computer interface