You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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4 years ago
#ai-0 h2:after {
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4 years ago
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4 years ago
#ai-0, #ai-1 {
margin: 12px;
padding: 6px;
user-select: none;
4 years ago
#ai-0 {
grid-column: 1;
text-align: right;
4 years ago
#ai-1 { grid-column: 4 }
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#bar, #loading, #position {
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@media (orientation: portrait) {
h2 { max-width: 300px }
#controls { grid-row: 3 }
4 years ago
#ai-0 { grid-column: 2; grid-row: 4 }
#ai-1 { grid-column: 3; grid-row: 4 }
<div id="title">
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4 years ago
<div id="ai-0">
<canvas width="1200" height="1200"></canvas>
4 years ago
<div id="ai-1">
<div id="controls">
<div id="bar">
<div id="loading"></div>
<div id="position"></div>
<div id="notice" class="hide">
> scroll or keys to move step by step, click to jump. (shift = fast)
<script type="module">
import { move, update, colorize } from './lib/display.js'
import { init, injectedCode } from './lib/state.js'
const [canvas] = document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')
const [hide] = document.getElementsByTagName('button')
const bar = document.getElementById('bar')
const loading = document.getElementById('loading')
const position = document.getElementById('position')
hide.onclick = () => {
localStorage.hide = 1
localStorage.hide || hide.parentElement.classList.remove('hide')
4 years ago
const buildInfo = (ai, i) => {
const elem = document.getElementById(`ai-${i}`)
if (!elem) return { score: () => {}, status: () => {} }
const [name, status, score] = [...elem.children].map(e => e.firstChild).filter(Boolean)
4 years ago = = `hsl(${ai.hue*360}, 100%, 70%)` = `0 0 6px hsla(${ai.hue*360}, 100%, 70%, 0.4)` = 'calc(100% - 36px)' // force width force redraw
// this fix a bug on chrome, not re-applying `currentColor` to gradients
return {
4 years ago
score: text => ai.dead || ( = text),
status: text => = text,
const notInBounds = n => n >= 100 || n < 0
const getShaUrl = login =>
const getAIUrl = (login, sha, ai) =>
`${login}/tron/${sha}/ai/${ai || login}.js`
const getSha = async login => (await (await fetch(getShaUrl(login))).json()).sha
4 years ago
const toBlob = async r => {
if (!r.ok) throw Error(`${r.status}: ${r.statusText}`)
const code = await r.text()
return new Blob([`${code}${injectedCode}`], { type : 'text/javascript' })
const toUrlObject = b => URL.createObjectURL(b, { type: 'text/javascript' })
const memo = {}
const fetchBlob = url => memo[url]
|| (memo[url] = fetch(url).then(toBlob).then(toUrlObject))
const getGithackUrl = async (login, sha) => {
if (!sha || sha === 'master') {
sha = localStorage[login] || (localStorage[login] = await getSha(login))
return getAIUrl(login, sha)
const remoteURL = (login, sha) =>'git.')
? `${location.origin}/${login}/tron/raw/branch/${sha || 'master'}/ai.js`
: getGithackUrl(login, sha)
const formatURL = url => {
if (url.startsWith('/')) return `${location.pathname}/ai/${url}`
if (url.startsWith('https://')) return url
if (url.includes(location.hostname)) return `https://${url}`
return url.includes('@')
? remoteURL(...url.split('@'))
: `${location.origin}/${url}`
const start = async ({ urls, seed }) => {
if (urls.length < 2) throw Error('2 AI urls are required to play')
4 years ago
const ais = init({ ais: urls, seed })
let turn = 1, maxTurn = 1, t = 1, cap = 10000, down
4 years ago
const done = new Set(ais)
const setPosition = e => {
const v = typeof e === 'number'
? Math.max(e, 1)
: Math.floor(Math.max(e.pageX - bar.offsetLeft, 1) / 600 * cap)
t = Math.min(v, maxTurn)
requested || (requested = requestAnimationFrame(refresh))
window.onkeydown = e => {
const step = e.shiftKey ? 10 : 1
switch (e.key) {
case 'ArrowLeft': case 'a': case 'q': case 'l': return setPosition(t - step)
case 'ArrowRight': case 'e': case 'd': case 'k': return setPosition(t + step)
window.onmousemove = (e) => e.which ? (down && setPosition(e)) : (down = false)
bar.onmousedown = (e) => (down = true) && setPosition(e)
bar.onwheel = canvas.onwheel = (e) =>
setPosition(t + Math.sign(e.deltaY) * (e.shiftKey ? 10 : 1))
let requested, timeout
const refresh = () => {
requested = update(t)
4 years ago
ais[1].score(turn) = `translate(${((turn / cap)*600)-600}px)` = `translate(${((t / cap)*600)-600}px)`
4 years ago
const next = (ai) => {
requested || (requested = requestAnimationFrame(refresh))
// check if all AI are done
4 years ago
if (done.size >= ais.length) {
4 years ago
const data = `[${ais.join(',')}]`
let allDead = true
4 years ago
for (const a of ais) {
if (a.dead) continue
allDead ? (allDead = false) : cap--
4 years ago
a.timeout = setTimeout(a.kill, 50, 'TIMEOUT')
allDead && (cap = turn)
t === maxTurn ? (t = maxTurn = turn) : (maxTurn = turn)
4 years ago
await Promise.all( (ai, i) => {
const info = buildInfo(ai, i)
ai.score = info.score
const kill = (cause) => {
4 years ago
if (ai.dead) return
console.log(`${} died because he ${cause} at ${ai.x} ${ai.y}`)
ai.cause = cause
ai.dead = true
ai.worker && ai.worker.terminate()
// init the worker
try {
4 years ago
const url = await fetchBlob(await formatURL(
ai.worker = new Worker(url, { type: 'module', name: })
await new Promise((s, f) => {
4 years ago
ai.worker.onmessage = e => === 'loaded' ? s() : f(Error(
ai.worker.onerror = f
ai.worker.postMessage(JSON.stringify({ id:, seed }))
// activate the AI
4 years ago
ai.kill = cause => {
4 years ago
} catch (err) {
4 years ago
move(ai.x, ai.y, ai.color, turn)
// handle each response from the AI
4 years ago
ai.worker.onmessage = ({ data }) => {
if (done.has(ai)) return ai.kill('UNEXPECTED-MESSAGE')
if (!data) return ai.kill('STUCK')
const { x, y } = JSON.parse(data)
4 years ago
if (typeof x !== 'number' || typeof y !== 'number') return ai.kill('INVALID_INPUT')
if (notInBounds(x) || notInBounds(y)) return ai.kill('OUT_OF_BOUNDS')
if (
4 years ago
!(x === ai.x - 1 && y === ai.y) &&
!(x === ai.x + 1 && y === ai.y) &&
!(x === ai.x && ai.y === y + 1) &&
!(x === ai.x && ai.y === y - 1)
) return ai.kill('IMPOSSIBLE_MOVE')
ai.x = x
ai.y = y
const failure = move(x, y, ai.color, turn)
if (failure === turn) {
4 years ago
for (const a of ais) {
a.x === ai.x && a.y === ai.y && a.kill('MULTI-CRASH')
colorize(x, y, 0xffffff)
4 years ago
return ai.kill('MULTI-CRASH')
} else if (failure) return ai.kill('CRASH')
4 years ago
ai.worker.onerror = () => ai.kill('AI-ERROR')
4 years ago
const params = new URLSearchParams(
const { ai = '', seed } = Object.fromEntries(params)
const search = () => String(params).replace(/%2F/g, '/').replace(/%40/g, '@')
if (!seed) {
params.set('seed', Math.abs(~~(Math.random()*0xffffffff)))
location = `${location.origin}${location.pathname}?${search()}${location.hash}`
start({ urls: ai.split(' '), seed }).then(console.log, console.error)