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style(deep-in-system): prettify

davhojt 2 years ago committed by Zouhair AMAZZAL
  1. 53
  2. 132


@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
In this project you will learn how to administer a Linux server, You will set up security and network for a ubuntu server, and will install some popular services.
### Objectives
Implement some learned skills from the scripting pool in a real-life project.
@ -12,6 +13,7 @@ Having a first experience in a ubuntu server setup.
Discovering some network and security implementations in Linux.
Discovering some popular services in Linux.
### Advice
Read the entire project before starting implementation!
@ -24,6 +26,7 @@ Create a backup file for each config file you will modify, this will be useful i
> In this project we have put some passwords and private keys exposed, It is not recommended to do this in any way!
> And don't use these passwords and private keys outside this learning project!
### Instructions
#### The Virtual Machine Part:
@ -33,49 +36,58 @@ Install a ubuntu server's latest LTS as a virtual machine.
- The VM disk size must be 30GB.
- You must divide your VM disk into these partitions:
`swap:` 4G
`/`: 15G
`/home`: 5G
`/backup`: 6G
`swap:` 4G
`/`: 15G
`/home`: 5G
`/backup`: 6G
- Your username must be your login name.
- You have to set your hostname with the format of `{username}-host`.
if your login is `potato`, then your hostname must be `potato-host`.
if your login is `potato`, then your hostname must be `potato-host`.
#### The Network Part:
Set a static private IP address, you are free to choose which netmask to use.
You must be able to connect to the Internet!, you can test with:
$> ping -c 5
> You should not have any internet interface with dynamic ip assignment.
#### The Security Part:
> You do not have to use the root user in your setup process!
You won't need it when you have `sudo`.
Sudo provides fine-grained access control. It grants elevated permissions to only a particular program that requires it. You know which program is running with elevated privileges, rather than working with a root shell (running every command with root privileges).
> You won't need it when you have `sudo`.
> Sudo provides fine-grained access control. It grants elevated permissions to only a particular program that requires it. You know which program is running with elevated privileges, rather than working with a root shell (running every command with root privileges).
- You have to disable remote root login via ssh.
- Change the ssh port to: `2222`.
- Configure the Firewall, and close all incoming ports, only used ports must be opened.
> All open ports must be justified in the audit!
> All open ports must be justified in the audit!
#### User Management Part:
You have to create 2 users in your server as follows:
##### 1- *luffy*:
##### 1- _luffy_:
- SSH authentication Method: Public key-based authentication
- Home directory: `/home/luffy`
- Sudoer: yes
- Public key:
ssh-rsa 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 luffy@luffy
- Private key:
@ -116,20 +128,23 @@ CdOvB0UKoEkjWVXQsMAKR0dGn6ooyFbfXoawq0ILxvrmxMOGd2l04Dai9d2vEeS+VwF65h
##### 2- *zoro*:
##### 2- _zoro_:
- SSH authentication Method: Password authentication
- Home directory: `/home/zoro`
- password: `^wb@92Sq&ls644@5*Je0`
- sudoer: no
#### Services Part:
- Install an FTP server and create a user `nami`.
The user `nami` can access via FTP only to `/backup` with read-only access.
`nami` user password: `mYdb6HA^5W4o`
The user `nami` can access via FTP only to `/backup` with read-only access.
`nami` user password: `mYdb6HA^5W4o`
> Don't enable anonymous access!
This will be risky!
> This will be risky!
#### The Database Part:
- You have to install MySQL Server
@ -137,10 +152,11 @@ This will be risky!
- Disable the remote connection to the root user.
- Do not allow connection to MySQL from outside the server!
To improve the security of your website, you should keep your MySQL server accessible only by applications in the server, As long as it does not affect your solution.
To improve the security of your website, you should keep your MySQL server accessible only by applications in the server, As long as it does not affect your solution.
- You must create a MySQL user, which has the only required access to the WordPress database.
> Don't use the root user in your WordPress website!
> Don't use the root user in your WordPress website!
#### WordPress Part:
- You have to install WordPress
@ -150,7 +166,9 @@ To improve the security of your website, you should keep your MySQL server acces
- Your WordPress must work in a normal way, try to post something or create another user, any way you are free to do anything.
> The configuration file must not be public accessible!, try `http://{host}/wp-config.php`
#### Backup Part:
Backups protect against human errors, hardware failure, virus attacks, power failures, and natural disasters. Backups can help save time and money if these failures occur.
In this exercise, you will set up a simple backup method by using cron jobs.
@ -176,11 +194,14 @@ You can add anything you feel deserves to be a bonus, some of the suggested idea
- Set up the SSL in the web server and FTP server, you can use self-signed SSL.
*Challenge yourself!*
_Challenge yourself!_
### Submission and audit
You must export your VM to a safe place, you will need it in the audit.
You will use your exported VM to run a new VM for each audit.
Push the shasum of your exported VM, you can get it this way:
user:~$ sha1sum deep-in-system.ova > deep-in-system.sha1
user:~$ cat deep-in-system.sha1 | cat -e


@ -1,16 +1,23 @@
#### General
##### Check the Repo content
Files that must be inside the repository:
- DeepInSystem.sha1
###### Are the required files present?
##### Check the Virtual machine aliases
###### The virtual machine is clean of any alias that may affect the results of the audit commands?
#### The Virtual Machine Part:
##### Check the Linux distribution
To get information about the OS release:
user:~$ cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu <...> LTS"
@ -27,16 +34,23 @@ PRIVACY_POLICY_URL="
##### Check if ubuntu is a server and not a desktop:
user:~$ dpkg -l ubuntu-desktop
dpkg-query: no packages found matching ubuntu-desktop
You can check the versions of the ubuntu server from here:
###### Is the installed Linux distribution is Ubuntu server's latest LTS?
##### Check the VM disk and partitions
Check the VM disk and partitions with this command:
user:~$ lsblk -o NAME,FSTYPE,SIZE,MOUNTPOINT /dev/sda
@ -48,61 +62,90 @@ sda 30G
└─sda<...> ext4 6G /backup
- The VM disk size must be 30GB.
- VM disk must be divided into these partitions:
"swap:" 4G
"/": 15G
"/home": 5G
"/backup": 6G
"swap:" 4G
"/": 15G
"/home": 5G
"/backup": 6G
###### Is the VM Disk size correct?
> There is no problem if the size of the divisions is not very accurate (Authorized error rate: <= 0.5G)!
###### Are the VM disk partitions correct?
##### Check the hostname and user name
To check the hostname:
user:~$ hostname
To check the user name and groups:
user:~$ id
uid=<...>({username}) gid=<...>({username}) groups=<...>({username}),<...>(sudo),<...>
###### Does the hostname in the format of "{username}-host"?
###### Does the student use a user different from the "root" user?
###### Does the username contain the student login?
###### Does the user in the sudo group?
###### Does the student can explain what is sudo group in Linux?
#### The Network & Security Part:
##### Check the VM IP address
The student must show the file that was modified to set a static IP address.
###### Does the student can explain the configuration?
###### Does the student What is a netmask?
##### Check if the IP address is static with this command:
user:~$ ip a | grep dynamic
###### There is no internet interface with dynamic IP assignment?
##### Check if the internet works fine with the static IP address:
user:~$ ping -c 5
###### Can connect to the internet properly?
###### Can The student explain why a static IP address is important for a web server?
##### Check the sshd configuration
The student must show the file that was modified to secure the ssh server.
###### Does the student can explain the configuration?
###### Is the root access disabled in the sshd config (PermitRootLogin: no)?
###### Is the port of the sshd "2222"?
##### Try to connect from outside the VM
outsideTheVM:~$ ssh {username}@{machine-ip} -p 2222
{username}@{machine-ip}'s password:
@ -111,11 +154,15 @@ InsideTheVM:~$ hostname
###### Can connect to the ssh properly?
###### Does the student can explain what is ssh server and what the role of it?
##### Check the firewall
If the student uses ufw you can check it with this command:
user:~$ sudo ufw status
Status: active
@ -128,18 +175,27 @@ Apache ALLOW Anywhere
Otherwise, the student must show what firewall is used.
###### Is the firewall activated?
##### Ask the student to justify why each open port is open
###### Are all open ports justified?
###### Is the MySQL port not open in the firewall?
###### Does the student can explain what is firewall and what the role of it in a server?
#### User Management Part:
##### Check luffy user
The student should connect to the machine with the "luffy" user by using this private key:
- Private key:
@ -180,21 +236,27 @@ CdOvB0UKoEkjWVXQsMAKR0dGn6ooyFbfXoawq0ILxvrmxMOGd2l04Dai9d2vEeS+VwF65h
###### Is the student able to connect to the machine with the "luffy" user by using the private key and without using any password?
##### Try to execute a command with sudo:
luffy:$ sudo cat /etc/shadow
##### Check the groups of luffy user:
luffy:~$ groups luffy
luffy : luffy sudo
##### Check the home directory of luffy user:
luffy:~$ echo ~
@ -202,27 +264,37 @@ luffy:~$ echo $HOME
###### Is the "luffy" user can perform a command with sudo?
###### Is the "luffy" user assigned to the sudo group?
###### Is the home directory of "lufy" user: /home/luffy?
##### Check zoro user
The student should connect to the machine with the "zoro" user by using this password: `^wb@92Sq&ls644@5*Je0`
###### Is the student able to connect to the machine with the "zoro" user by the mentioned password?
##### Try to execute a command with sudo:
zoro:$ sudo cat /etc/shadow
zoro is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.
##### Check the groups of zoro user:
zoro:~$ groups zoro
zoro : zoro
##### Check the home directory of zoro user:
zoro:~$ echo ~
@ -230,34 +302,48 @@ zoro:~$ echo $HOME
###### Is the "zoro" user can't perform a command with sudo?
###### Is the "zoro" user not assigned to the sudo group?
###### Is the home directory of "zoro" user: /home/zoro?
###### Is the home directory of "zoro" user: /home/zoro?
#### Services Part:
##### Ask the student to:
In less than 10 minutes the student must create a user called "kratos" this user must be a sudoer and must be able to connect with a private key.
The private ssh key must be created by the student during this exam.
After the student finishes creating and setting up the user, the student must show that the user can be connected with the private key and can perform a sudo command.
>If the student can't solve this exam, he must directly fail in this project.
>If did not pass this exam and was able to succeed in this project, a temporal crater will open and the world will be destroyed!
> If the student can't solve this exam, he must directly fail in this project.
> If did not pass this exam and was able to succeed in this project, a temporal crater will open and the world will be destroyed!
###### Does the student can create a private key?
###### Does the student can create the user?
###### Does the student assign the public key to the user?
###### Does the student add the user to the sudo group?
###### Is user "kratos" can connect with the private key?
###### Is user "kratos" can perform a sudo command?
#### Services Part:
##### Check nami user:
##### By using SSH create a file inside /backup:
$ sudo touch /backup/audit-check
##### Try to connect to the "nami" user via FTP:
user:~$ ftp {vm-ip}
Connected to {vm-ip}.
@ -278,14 +364,19 @@ ftp> get audit-check
226 Transfer complete.
- "nami" user password: `mYdb6HA^5W4o`
###### Can connect with user "nami" and mentioned password to the FTP Server properly?
###### Is the created file exist in the FTP Server?
###### Can get the audit-check file from the FTP Server?
##### Check anonymous user:
##### Try to connect with an anonymous user and a blank password:
user:~$ ftp {vm-ip}
Connected to {vm-ip}.
@ -297,34 +388,49 @@ Password:
ftp: Login failed
###### Can't connect to FTP Server with an anonymous user and blank password?
###### Does the student can explain what is FTP Server and what the role of it?
#### WordPress Part:
##### From your browser, enter "http://{vm-ip}/"
> it can be https instead of http if the student installs an SSL certificate!
##### Ask the student to log in with the admin user.
WordPress must be installed.
##### Try to post something, any way you are free to do anything.
###### Is WordPress installed and working properly?
##### Try to access to "http://{vm-ip}/wp-config.php"
###### The WordPress config file content is not displayed?
###### The WordPress config file content is not displayed?
#### Backup Part:
##### Check the cronjob:
The student must show created cronjob.
###### Is they are a cron job that starts every Day At 00:00 (0 0 * * *)?
###### Is they are a cron job that starts every Day At 00:00 (0 0 \* \* \*)?
###### Is the cronjob command creating a tar file of the WordPress database in /backup?
##### Check the FTP system functionality:
> Before starting this test you have to remove all WordPress backup files in "/backup" and delete the logs file "/var/log/backup.log".
##### In the crontab, you have to change the scheduling to :
`* * * * *`
##### After 1 minute, check the FTP Server with the "nami" user:
user:~$ ftp {vm-ip}
Connected to {vm-ip}.
@ -345,17 +451,23 @@ ftp> get audit-check
226 Transfer complete.
###### Does a WordPress database backup file with the date of today exists in the FTP Server?
##### Is the student create
##### Is the student create
##### Check the backup logs file:
user:~$ cat /var/log/backup.log
<...>wordpress backup created!, date: <...>
###### Is the backup logs file existing and contains a message informing you that the backup was successful and the timing of the backup?
###### Does the student can explain what is cronjob and what the role of it?
###### Does the student can explain why backup is important?
#### Bonus
