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xpetit 4 years ago
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 4E1F8CF5DFA989D2
  1. 74
  2. 2


@ -58,6 +58,18 @@ Skip this part if Windows 10 is up-to-date.
- Click on "Restart now"
- Repeat [Install Updates](#install-updates) until you see "You're up to date"
## Install a web browser
Skip this part if you have a modern & full-featured web browser (e.g. Chrome, Firefox, etc).
We recommend to use Firefox with the extension "uBlock Origin" and the additional filters lists :
- Annoyances
- EasyList Cookie
- uBlock filters - Annoyances
Make sure to apply changes.
## Install Linux
Skip this part if you already have WSL with Debian (or similar system e.g. Ubuntu).
@ -72,29 +84,77 @@ To "Open PowerShell as Administrator", right-click on the Start menu.
- Visit
- Click on "Get" button
- Launch
- Create user as requested (the password doesn't need to be secure)
- Create user as requested (the password doesn't need to be secure and you have to remember it)
- Leave (by using the shortcut <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>D</kbd>, closing the window or typing the `exit` command)
## Install VSCode
Download it from the [official website](
Run the installer, check all "Additional Tasks".
### Install remote extension
Launch VSCode, once started it should detect WSL and propose you to install the "Remote - WSL" extension, which is needed for the next steps.
## Configure Linux
Connect to remote WSL
### Connect to remote WSL
Click on the bottom-left green button (overlay says "Open a remote window"), select "Remote-WSL: New Window".
It will open a new VSCode window then install and run a server program in Linux to help VSCode running in its context.
The bottom-left green button (Remote Host) in the VSCode status bar should now indicate "WSL: Debian".
You can close the previous VSCode window.
### Configure tools
In the Menu Bar of VSCode, click on "Terminal", then "New Terminal".
A new panel should appear looking like :
You can use right-click to copy/paste.
This is a command-line interface, you can type commands and execute them pressing <kbd>Enter</kbd>. You can also complete your command using <kbd>Tab ↹</kbd>. For instance type "`ec`" :
Open a terminal then type the following commands :
Then press <kbd>Tab ↹</kbd>. The command will be completed to "`echo`" and a space is added, waiting for arguments to be provided, type "`Hello World`" then <kbd>Enter</kbd> :
user@DESKTOP-XXXXXXX:~$ echo Hello World
Hello World
`echo` is a program that displays text. Now you will execute commands that will install all the necessary programs you will need :
sudo apt update
Type the password you entered during [Linux installation](#install-debian).
When it's over (the command prompt appears again), continue entering commands (we hide their output):
sudo apt -y upgrade
sudo apt -y install curl
curl ADDR | bash
curl | bash
- Then go to Gitea (https://git.DOMAIN/user/settings/keys) in Settings => SSH / GPG Keys
- In "Manage SSH Keys" section, click on "Add Key" button
Copy the last line (`ssh-ed25519...`) then :
- Connect to Gitea (https://git.DOMAIN where DOMAIN is the 01 platform address)
- Click on top-right menu "Profile and Settings..."
- Click on "Settings"
- Go to "SSH / GPG Keys" tab
- Click on "Add Key" button in "Manage SSH Keys" section
- Paste the public key in the "Content" text area (the "Key Name" will be automatically set)
- Click on "Add Key"
Now you are able to push & pull code to Gitea using `git`.


@ -24,5 +24,5 @@ go get
echo Installing OpenSSH
sudo apt -y install openssh-client
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 -N ''
echo "Select & copy (right-click) the following line :"
echo "Copy the following line :"
cat ~/.ssh/
