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other fixes

Augusto 5 years ago
  1. 55


@ -316,32 +316,50 @@
##### Try with the arguments array = `[SqIY alP ap s Tk8pzkNob T E 2VL7j RwSiBO CFYtXOF7 Zom7 He K BIPFjx66 1aSM KmGUikVO P CeC2Jzf24zS RYt8vbzmwRJVO lJKAxZ20mN Nq Lgec4HOsQ8ZOl 6ZExl3cG4f09 og7ny HmWg K u H7pHDcClDLo] and f = strings.Compare`
`[ 2VL7j RwSiBO 6ZExl3cG4f09 1aSM KmGUikVO CFYtXOF7 Zom7 He K BIPFjx66 Lgec4HOsQ8ZOl P CeC2Jzf24zS RYt8vbzmwRJVO SqIY alP ap s Tk8pzkNob T E lJKAxZ20mN Nq og7ny HmWg K u H7pHDcClDLo]`
###### Does the function returns the value above?
##### Try with the arguments array = `[8UW WGOHl8IE M RZg2Q5h56Tw yUL sCa 4 mcc TA buEFbpWwNL N5p8tO Z w9H P6 WE6fu kO4O e7 RaOu8rt4o B 71u bY H2 KM5 kQlRASJ J mlBG25F 1j g5EOm5is PUOv yV q91Utk2wZu H KFCSi fYe21] and f = strings.Compare
##### Try with the arguments array =
[8UW WGOHl8IE M RZg2Q5h56Tw yUL sCa 4 mcc TA buEFbpWwNL N5p8tO Z w9H P6 WE6fu kO4O e7 RaOu8rt4o B 71u bY H2 KM5 kQlRASJ J mlBG25F 1j g5EOm5is PUOv yV q91Utk2wZu H KFCSi fYe21] and f = strings.Compare
`[ B 71u bY H2 J mlBG25F 1j N5p8tO Z w9H e7 RaOu8rt4o 8UW WGOHl8IE H KFCSi fYe21 KM5 kQlRASJ M RZg2Q5h56Tw P6 WE6fu kO4O TA buEFbpWwNL g5EOm5is PUOv yUL sCa 4 mcc yV q91Utk2wZu]`
###### Does the function returns the value above?
##### Try with the arguments array = `[ 4 WcVVBJc K HQ O0 Ncmg z 3WLJcrbLB7LoY 4ox8TWUD inv 5Be2id5AY G a 9pkpByJ Ebbia MkOITgWoS SFv RR bTVi iO 3 X3RvpTTOo b1 ci97 r W lVce8L XWgMsw q3 jPYp7g av t9J4 NP mJoJM] and f = func(a, b string) int {
##### Try with the arguments array =
[ 4 WcVVBJc K HQ O0 Ncmg z 3WLJcrbLB7LoY 4ox8TWUD inv 5Be2id5AY G a 9pkpByJ Ebbia MkOITgWoS SFv RR bTVi iO 3 X3RvpTTOo b1 ci97 r W lVce8L XWgMsw q3 jPYp7g av t9J4 NP mJoJM] and f = func(a, b string) int {
return strings.Compare(b, a)
`[t9J4 NP mJoJM q3 jPYp7g av lVce8L XWgMsw ci97 r W X3RvpTTOo b1 RR bTVi iO 3 MkOITgWoS SFv 9pkpByJ Ebbia 5Be2id5AY G a 4ox8TWUD inv 3WLJcrbLB7LoY HQ O0 Ncmg z 4 WcVVBJc K]`
###### Does the function returns the value above?
##### Try with the arguments array = [ 54kMdO5 E 1p GA6oRAyLtQZ6 H ew V kDqyA bE PNnGhcR 8hN i eR 8n 6 CKLLpKer bQmH DfUL Dw1 DgDz PMorGlQ dPx3F SwMSZHN oKqiZ aL0JonQwm BZ9 g qRLGp OsCIK qIhPYu ws Tq tQa9geTu jbO1] and f = func(a, b string) int {
##### Try with the arguments array =
[ 54kMdO5 E 1p GA6oRAyLtQZ6 H ew V kDqyA bE PNnGhcR 8hN i eR 8n 6 CKLLpKer bQmH DfUL Dw1 DgDz PMorGlQ dPx3F SwMSZHN oKqiZ aL0JonQwm BZ9 g qRLGp OsCIK qIhPYu ws Tq tQa9geTu jbO1] and f = func(a, b string) int {
return strings.Compare(b, a)
`[tQa9geTu jbO1 qIhPYu ws Tq g qRLGp OsCIK aL0JonQwm BZ9 SwMSZHN oKqiZ PMorGlQ dPx3F DfUL Dw1 DgDz CKLLpKer bQmH 8hN i eR 8n 6 bE PNnGhcR H ew V kDqyA GA6oRAyLtQZ6 54kMdO5 E 1p]`
###### Does the function returns the value above?
##### Try with the arguments array = `[ 2VL7j RwSiBO 6ZExl3cG4f09 1aSM KmGUikVO CFYtXOF7 Zom7 He K BIPFjx66 Lgec4HOsQ8ZOl P CeC2Jzf24zS RYt8vbzmwRJVO SqIY alP ap s Tk8pzkNob T E lJKAxZ20mN Nq og7ny HmWg K u H7pHDcClDLo] and f = func(a, b string) int {
##### Try with the arguments array =
[ 2VL7j RwSiBO 6ZExl3cG4f09 1aSM KmGUikVO CFYtXOF7 Zom7 He K BIPFjx66 Lgec4HOsQ8ZOl P CeC2Jzf24zS RYt8vbzmwRJVO SqIY alP ap s Tk8pzkNob T E lJKAxZ20mN Nq og7ny HmWg K u H7pHDcClDLo] and f = func(a, b string) int {
return strings.Compare(b, a)
`[u H7pHDcClDLo og7ny HmWg K lJKAxZ20mN Nq Tk8pzkNob T E SqIY alP ap s RYt8vbzmwRJVO P CeC2Jzf24zS Lgec4HOsQ8ZOl He K BIPFjx66 CFYtXOF7 Zom7 1aSM KmGUikVO 6ZExl3cG4f09 2VL7j RwSiBO]`
###### Does the function returns the value above?
##### Try with the arguments array = `[ B 71u bY H2 J mlBG25F 1j N5p8tO Z w9H e7 RaOu8rt4o 8UW WGOHl8IE H KFCSi fYe21 KM5 kQlRASJ M RZg2Q5h56Tw P6 WE6fu kO4O TA buEFbpWwNL g5EOm5is PUOv yUL sCa 4 mcc yV q91Utk2wZu] and f = func(a, b string) int {
##### Try with the arguments array =
[ B 71u bY H2 J mlBG25F 1j N5p8tO Z w9H e7 RaOu8rt4o 8UW WGOHl8IE H KFCSi fYe21 KM5 kQlRASJ M RZg2Q5h56Tw P6 WE6fu kO4O TA buEFbpWwNL g5EOm5is PUOv yUL sCa 4 mcc yV q91Utk2wZu] and f = func(a, b string) int {
return strings.Compare(b, a)
`[yV q91Utk2wZu yUL sCa 4 mcc g5EOm5is PUOv TA buEFbpWwNL P6 WE6fu kO4O M RZg2Q5h56Tw KM5 kQlRASJ H KFCSi fYe21 8UW WGOHl8IE e7 RaOu8rt4o N5p8tO Z w9H J mlBG25F 1j B 71u bY H2]`
###### Does the function returns the value above?
##### Try with the arguments array = `[ P0K4ol6K Wh 1zoXnSzLqCk vy eDI D 0 0kEpG leAg3 HJ46 Ub2 SwfL KU zIBYD WLqY Q0h 8DYlXruE5 Ub1SC rq8 EFQ c6TtKUylSrbcy e2r r C8 cJ3 obR s0lcvL MA pi8y 7QJbwLq w4 0nY TWgHUo] and f = func(a, b string) int {
##### Try with the arguments array =
[ P0K4ol6K Wh 1zoXnSzLqCk vy eDI D 0 0kEpG leAg3 HJ46 Ub2 SwfL KU zIBYD WLqY Q0h 8DYlXruE5 Ub1SC rq8 EFQ c6TtKUylSrbcy e2r r C8 cJ3 obR s0lcvL MA pi8y 7QJbwLq w4 0nY TWgHUo] and f = func(a, b string) int {
return strings.Compare(b, a)
`[w4 0nY TWgHUo pi8y 7QJbwLq obR s0lcvL MA e2r r C8 cJ3 c6TtKUylSrbcy Ub1SC rq8 EFQ Q0h 8DYlXruE5 KU zIBYD WLqY HJ46 Ub2 SwfL 0 0kEpG leAg3 vy eDI D 1zoXnSzLqCk P0K4ol6K Wh]`
###### Does the function returns the value above?
@ -766,7 +784,8 @@ and f = fmt.Print
#### btreedeletenode
##### Try with the arguments:
```root =
root =
└── 07
├── 12
@ -784,7 +803,8 @@ and f = fmt.Print
└── 03
###### Does the function returns the value above?
##### Try with the arguments:
```root =
root =
├── 5
│ └── 52
@ -802,7 +822,8 @@ and f = fmt.Print
└── 11
###### Does the function returns the value above?
##### Try with the arguments:
```root =
root =
└── 39
├── 99
@ -839,7 +860,8 @@ root =
└── 01
###### Does the function returns the value above?
##### Try with the arguments:
```root =
root =
├── 03
│ └── 92
@ -857,7 +879,8 @@ root =
└── 111
###### Does the function returns the value above?
##### Try with the arguments:
```root =
root =
└── 02
└── 04
