Write a function that takes a PascalCase `string` and returns the same `string` with a space between each word.
- The function must return an empty `string` if the input `string` is empty.
- The function must return an empty `string` if the input is an empty `string`.
- The function must return `"Error"` if the input `string` is not a PascalCase `string`.
- The PascalCase begins with a capital letter, and each word begins with a capital letter without a space between them for example: `"HelloWorld`"` is a valid PascalCase `string`.
- The PascalCase begins with a capital letter, and each word begins with a capital letter without a space between them, for example: "HelloWorld" is a valid PascalCase `string`.
- The PascalCase cannot contain any non-alphabetic character, for example: `"Hello World12`" is not a valid PascalCase `string`.
- The PascalCase cannot contain any non-alphabetic character, for example: "Hello World12" is not a valid PascalCase `string`.