flag.Var(&noTheseArrays,"no-these-arrays","unallowes the array types passed in the flag")
flag.Var(&noTheseArrays,"no-these-arrays","Disallowes the array types passed in the flag as a list separeted by comma with out spaces\nLike so: -no-these-arrays=int,string,bool")
`The use of string literals matching the pattern --no-lit="{PATTERN}"`+
`passed to the program would not be allowed`,
flag.BoolVar(&noRelativeImports,"no-relative-imports",false,`No disallowes the use of relative imports`)
flag.BoolVar(&noRelativeImports,"no-relative-imports",false,`Disallowes the use of relative imports`)
flag.BoolVar(&noFor,"no-for",false,`The "for" instruction is not allowed`)