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amin 3 months ago committed by zanninso
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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
public class ExerciseRunner {
public static void main(String[] args) {
HTMLValidator validator = new HTMLValidator();
// Test case 1: Valid HTML
String html1 = "<html><body><h1>Hello, World!</h1></body></html>";
System.out.println("Is HTML valid? " + validator.validateHTML(html1)); // Expected output: true
// Test case 2: Invalid HTML (missing closing tag)
String html2 = "<html><body><h1>Hello, World!</body></html>";
System.out.println("Is HTML valid? " + validator.validateHTML(html2)); // Expected output: false
// Test case 3: Invalid HTML (incorrect nesting)
String html3 = "<html><body><h1><div>Hello, World!</h1></div></body></html>";
System.out.println("Is HTML valid? " + validator.validateHTML(html3)); // Expected output: false
// Test case 4: Valid HTML with multiple tags
String html4 = "<html><body><div><p>This is a <b>bold</b> word and this is <i>italic</i>.</p></div></body></html>";
System.out.println("Is HTML valid? " + validator.validateHTML(html4)); // Expected output: true


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## HTML Validator
### Instructions
Create a class `HTMLValidator` that provides a method to validate whether a given HTML string is correctly formatted. The method should support a few basic HTML tags (`<html>`, `<body>`, `<div>`, `<p>`, `<b>`, `<i>`, `<h1>`, `<h2>`). If the HTML is valid, the method should return `true`. If the HTML is invalid, the method should return `false`.
### Expected Class
public class HTMLValidator {
public boolean validateHTML(String html) {
// Implementation to validate if the given HTML is correctly formatted
### Usage
Here is a possible `` to test your class:
public class ExerciseRunner {
public static void main(String[] args) {
HTMLValidator validator = new HTMLValidator();
// Test case 1: Valid HTML
String html1 = "<html><body><h1>Hello, World!</h1></body></html>";
System.out.println("Is HTML valid? " + validator.validateHTML(html1)); // Expected output: true
// Test case 2: Invalid HTML (missing closing tag)
String html2 = "<html><body><h1>Hello, World!</body></html>";
System.out.println("Is HTML valid? " + validator.validateHTML(html2)); // Expected output: false
// Test case 3: Invalid HTML (incorrect nesting)
String html3 = "<html><body><h1><div>Hello, World!</h1></div></body></html>";
System.out.println("Is HTML valid? " + validator.validateHTML(html3)); // Expected output: false
// Test case 4: Valid HTML with multiple tags
String html4 = "<html><body><div><p>This is a <b>bold</b> word and this is <i>italic</i>.</p></div></body></html>";
System.out.println("Is HTML valid? " + validator.validateHTML(html4)); // Expected output: true
### Expected Output
$ javac *.java -d build
$ java -cp build ExerciseRunner
Is HTML valid? true
Is HTML valid? false
Is HTML valid? false
Is HTML valid? true