Browse Source

js raids

lee 4 years ago
  1. 0
  2. 37
  3. 5



@ -32,21 +32,21 @@ fetch('')
.then(loadData) // .then will call the function with the JSON value
#### Display
Not every field should be presented in a `<table>` element,
the necessary data will be:
- Icon (`.images.xs`, should be displayed as images and not as a string)
- Name (`.name`)
- Full Name (`.biography.fullName`)
- Powerstats (each entry of `.powerstats`)
- Race (`.appearance.race`)
- Gender (`.appearance.gender`)
- Height (`.appearance.height`)
- Weight (`.appearance.weight`)
- Place Of Birth (`.biography.placeOfBirth`)
- Alignement (`.biography.alignment`)
- Icon (`.images.xs`, should be displayed as images and not as a string)
- Name (`.name`)
- Full Name (`.biography.fullName`)
- Powerstats (each entry of `.powerstats`)
- Race (`.appearance.race`)
- Gender (`.appearance.gender`)
- Height (`.appearance.height`)
- Weight (`.appearance.weight`)
- Place Of Birth (`.biography.placeOfBirth`)
- Alignement (`.biography.alignment`)
The information must be displayed in multiple pages. \
A `<select>` input is used to chose from `10`, `20`,`50`, `100` or `all results`.
@ -57,26 +57,25 @@ A `<select>` input is used to chose from `10`, `20`,`50`, `100` or `all results`
It must be possible to filter information by searching the name as a string
*(ex: superheroes that contain **man** in their name).*
- The search should be interactive, in other words, the results should be
- The search should be interactive, in other words, the results should be
displaying as you write, not needing a button for you to click.
#### Sort
It must be possible to sort by any columns of the table
*(either alphabetically or numerically).*
- Initially all rows should be sorted by the column `name` by `ascending` order
- First click will order the column by `ascending` value
- Consecutive clicks will toggle between `ascending` and `descending` order
- Note that, for example, the column `weight` will be composed of strings, so
- Initially all rows should be sorted by the column `name` by `ascending` order
- First click will order the column by `ascending` value
- Consecutive clicks will toggle between `ascending` and `descending` order
- Note that, for example, the column `weight` will be composed of strings, so
the correct order would be `['78 kg', '100 kg']` instead of the other way
- Missing values should always be sorted last.
- Missing values should always be sorted last.
> As you know, when you are against heroes, **speed** is critical, every operations on
> the database should be very fast and not slow down the browser
### Optional
Any additional features will be critical to your success, everything count:


@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#### Functionals
#### Generals
#### Bonus