> In the child object you've created, 2 attributes must be filled:
> 1. subtype
> 2. text
> 3. buttonText (facultative)
> 4. checkbox (facultative)
## Settings for a `document to sign` step
The newly created child can be customized with these attributes :
| name | fullfillment |
| ---------- | --------- |
| subtype | **required** |
| text | **required** |
| buttonText | optionnal |
| checkbox | optionnal |
### Description
#### To set up the child object you've created with these elements:
#### To set up the child object you have created with these elements:
1. Edit you step object
2. Go to *Object attributes*
3. Add the following attributes:
* Add a new key **subtype** of type `String` with the exact value 'onb-adm-sign'
* Add a new key **text** of type `String` with the text of your document to sign as value
* Add a new key **buttonText** of type `String` with the text you want to display in the submit button of your step. If you don't fill this property, the default value if 'Sign'.
* Add a new key **buttonText** of type `String` with the text that you want to display in the submit button of your step. If you do not fill this property, the default value is 'Sign'.
* Add a new key **checkbox** of type `Object`, if you want to force your user to click on a checkbox before validating his document (ex: 'I have read and accepted the conditions'). In the checkbox object, you should define:
* A **label** key of type `String`, with the text you want to associate to the checkbox
* A **required** key of type `Boolean`, set at true if you want to force the user to check it