A **function** named **odd_to_even** will be given, which returns a `Result`. If there is an even value in the vector, the function will return a tuple with a string, stating the error, and a vector with the elements that caused the error.
Create a **function** named **fetch_data** which has two arguments:
- `server`: Which is a `Result` having the server url or an error message inside.
- `security_level`: Which is an `enum` defining the behavior of the function in case of errors.
The objective is to execute the `odd_to_even` function and handle the errors returned by it.
The `security_level` will work as follow:
- `Unknown`: The function panics without printing any custom message.
- `High`: The function panics and prints the error message `ERROR: program stops`.
- `Medium`: The function returns the string `WARNING: check the server`.
- `Low`: The function returns the string `Not found: [SERVER_URL]`.
- `BlockServer`: The function will panic only if the `Result` value is `Ok` and the error message will be the string contained in `Ok`.
Create the following functions which receive a vector:
- `expect`: which returns the error adding the string "ERROR " to the beginning.
- `unwrap_or`: which in case of error, returns an empty vector.
- `unwrap_err`: which panics if the value is `Ok`, or returns the string containing the error in case of `Err`.
- `unwrap`: which unwraps the `Result`.
- `unwrap_or_else`: which in case of error returns the vector of elements that caused the error.
To return from **fetch_data** you must use `expect`, `unwrap_or`, `unwrap_err`, `unwrap` and `unwrap_or_else`.