## Env-format > 🕵️ **Operation Data Centre** > > [Confidential] > > You are on a secret mission inside an underground data centre. You are alone, there is no internet access and there is no mobile phone signal. > > You cannot interact with anyone. > > You cannot not access the internet - although you can read the mission below. > > You may access man pages via the command line. This is your only resource. > > Good luck agent, we're counting on your knowledge. ### Instructions Create a script `env-format.sh`, which will print the environment variables that have the following formats: - Print the `PWD` value. - All the environment variables that have a letter `H` in the name, without printing the value of those variables. ```console $ printenv SHELL=/bin/bash QT_ACCESSIBILITY=1 NVM_RC_VERSION= COLORTERM=truecolor HOMEBREW_PREFIX=/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew DESKTOP_SESSION=i3 ... PWD=/home/user LOGNAME=user MANPATH=/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/share/man: XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP=i3 XAUTHORITY=/run/user/1000/gdm/Xauthority WINDOWPATH=2 SHELL=/bin/bash SSH_AGENT_PID=2900 HOME=/home/user HOMEBREW_SHELLENV_PREFIX=/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew USERNAME=user $ ``` Expected output: ```console $ ./env-format.sh /home/user/Documents/public/sh/tests/student SHELL SSH_AGENT_PID HOMEBREW_SHELLENV_PREFIX MANPATH XAUTHORITY WINDOWPATH HOME $ ```