## StarMass ### Instructions For this last exercise, let's compute the mass of all objects in a galaxy, according their type. Firstly, let's add a mass property (it will be an integer) to all objects. I let you guess in which class to put it ;) You need to add the getter and setter for this property too. You will need to add a mass argument to all the constructors. In the `Galaxy` class, we will add a new method `computeMassRepartition` which returns a Map. This map will have for key the Strings `Star`, `Planet` or `Other`. The values will be the sum of the mass of the object by their type. ### Usage Here is a possible ExerciseRunner.java to test your function : ```java public class ExerciseRunner { public static void main(String[] args) { Galaxy galaxy = new Galaxy(); CelestialObject charron = new CelestialObject("Charron", -123.12, 392.238, 32.31, 157); CelestialObject lune = new CelestialObject("Lune", 3928.32, 327.239, -12.92, 3987); Star betelgeuse = new Star("Betelgeuse", 128.23, -12.82, 32.328, 1289.3, 538595); Star altair = new Star("Betelgeuse", 43894.34, -324.43, 9438.23, 123.54, 137273); Star bellatrix = new Star("Bellatrix", 584.34, 2103.32, -102.43, 413.2, 5483724); Planet naboo = new Planet("Naboo", 17.4389, 8349.1, 8943.92, betelgeuse, 32454); Planet tatooine = new Planet("Tatooine", 17.4389, 8349.1, 8943.92, betelgeuse, 2345); Planet mercure = new Planet("Mercure", 17.4389, 8349.1, 8943.92, altair, 19438); Planet venus = new Planet("Venus", 17.4389, 8349.1, 8943.92, altair, 9283); Planet mars = new Planet("Mars", 17.4389, 8349.1, 8943.92, altair, 2183); galaxy.addCelestialObject(lune); galaxy.addCelestialObject(charron); galaxy.addCelestialObject(mars); galaxy.addCelestialObject(mercure); galaxy.addCelestialObject(tatooine); galaxy.addCelestialObject(altair); galaxy.addCelestialObject(venus); galaxy.addCelestialObject(betelgeuse); galaxy.addCelestialObject(naboo); galaxy.addCelestialObject(bellatrix); System.out.println(galaxy.computeMassRepartition().toString()); } } ``` and its output : ```shell $ javac *.java -d build $ java -cp build ExerciseRunner {Star=6159592, Planet=65703, Other=4144} $ ``` ### Notions [InstanceOf](https://www.baeldung.com/java-instanceof)