# Mock stock data server A simple API to provide fake real time exchange data. The used database is a sample of [this Kaggle database](https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/jacksoncrow/stock-market-dataset). ## How to run it locally It is recommended to use the following command to run the server locally: ```shell $ make run ``` And to stop the server: ```shell $ make stop ``` ## Endpoints available You can fetch the server with HTTP GET requests at the following endpoints: - `/stocks_list`: display a list of available stock symbol. - `/exchange_rate/`: retrieve current data for the specified symbol. Below an example on how to use it (remember that the server needs to be running locally). ```shell $ curl -s localhost:5001/stocks_list | jq | head [ "BRID", "WRB", "GCO", "ITW", "USAU", "AXR", "UMBF", "MTRN", "UNT", $ curl localhost:5001/exchange_rate/WRB {"rate":0.12680993974208832,"symbol":"USD","timestamp":1691667858.912409} $ curl localhost:5001/exchange_rate/BRID {"rate":0.38091352581977844,"symbol":"USD","timestamp":1691667862.3328483} $ ```