#### Functional Project Questions ##### Try passing as arguments `"left" --align=right` ###### Does it displays the expected result? ##### Try passing as arguments `"right" --align=left` ###### Does it displays the expected result? ##### Try passing as arguments `"hello" --align=center` ###### Does it displays the expected result? ##### Try passing as arguments `"1 Two 4" --align=justify` ###### Does it displays the expected result? ##### Try passing as arguments `"23/32" --align=right` ###### Does it displays the expected result? ##### Try passing as arguments `"ABCabc123" --align=right` ###### Does it displays the expected result? ##### Try passing as arguments `"!#$%&" --align=center` ###### Does it displays the expected result? ##### Try passing as arguments `"23Hello World!" --align=left` ###### Does it displays the expected result? ##### Try passing as arguments `"HELLO there HOW are YOU?!" --align=justify` ###### Does it displays the expected result? ##### Try passing as arguments `"a -> A b -> B c -> C" --align=right` ###### Does it displays the expected result? #### Basic ###### *Does the code present commenting ? (https://github.com/01-edu/public/blob/master/subjects/good-practices.en.md) ###### *Does the code present documentation ? ###### *Does it present consistent indentation ? ###### *Does the code avoid obvious comments ? (no over information) ###### *Does the code avoid code grouping ? ###### *Does the code have a consistent naming scheme (camelCase, under_scores) ? ###### *Does the code obey the principles "DRY" (Don't Repeat Yourself) or "DIE" (Duplication is Evil) ? ###### *Does the code obey the principal "KISS" (keep it simple, stupid) ? ###### *Does the code obey the principle YAGNI (You Aren’t Gonna Need It) ? ###### *Does the code obey the principle SOC (Separation of Concerns) ###### *Does the code avoid deep nesting (if in ifs, forest of ifs) ? ###### *Does the code present a good file and folder organization ? ###### *Does it present a good separation of Code and Data ? ###### *Does the go code follow the go recommendation ? ((https://golang.org/doc/effective_go.html), (https://golang.org/cmd/gofmt/), (https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports), (https://goinbigdata.com/goimports-vs-gofmt/))" ###### *Has the code passed the formatting ? (gofmt, goimports) ###### *Did the program runned without crashing at anytime ? ###### *Does the project runs quickly and effectively ? (Favoring of recursive, no unnecessary data requests, etc) ###### *Is the error handled, is it error free ? ###### *Is there a test file for this code ? ###### *Are the tests checking each case ? ###### *Is the output of the program well structured? Does any letter seems to be out of scoop ? ###### *Can the project be used for a common good ? ###### *Did you learn anything from this project ? ###### *Can it be open-sourced / be used for other sources ? ###### *Would you recommend/nominate this program as an example for the rest of the school ?