## dress_code ### Instructions Create a function called `choose_outfit` that receives the following input: - A `formality_level` as an `Option`. - An `invitation_message` as a `Result<&str>`. The function will return a struct `Outfit` which contains: - `jacket`, an `enum` `Jacket` that contains `Black`, `White` and `Flowers`. - `hat`, an `enum` `Hat` that contains `Snapback`, `Baseball`, `Fedora`. ```rust #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Outfit { pub jacket: Jacket, pub hat: Hat, } ``` For the `jacket`: - The jacket should be `Flowers` when the `formality_level` is unset. - The jacket should be `White` when the `formality_level` is more than 0. - Otherwise, it should be `Black`. For the `hat`: - If the `invitation_message` is `Ok()` it should be `Fedora`. - Otherwise, it should be `Snapback`. In the specific case where `formality_level` is `None` and `invitation_message` is not `Ok()` then the `jacket` should be `Flowers` and the `hat` should be `Baseball`. Remember that all the `enum` and `struct` used must be `pub`. ### Expected functions ```rust pub fn choose_outfit(formality_level: Option, invitation_message: Result<&str, &str>) -> Outfit {} ``` ### Usage Here is a program to test your function. ```rust use dress_code::*; fn main() { println!("My outfit will be: {:?}", choose_outfit(Some(0), Ok("Dear friend, ..."))); } ``` And its output: ```console $ cargo run My outfit will be: Outfit { jacket: Black, hat: Fedora } $ ``` ### Notions - [patterns](https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ch18-00-patterns.html)