#### Exercise 0: Environment and libraries ##### The exercise is validated if all questions of the exercise are validated ##### Activate the virtual environment. If you used `conda` run `conda activate your_env` ##### Run `python --version` ###### Does it print `Python 3.x`? x >= 8 ###### Do `import jupyter`, `import numpy`, `import pandas`, `matplotlib` and `plotly` run without any errors? --- --- #### Exercise 1: Pandas plot 1 ##### The exercise is validated if all questions of the exercise are validated ##### The solution of question 1 is accepted if the plot reproduces the plot in the image and respect those criteria. ###### Does it have a title? ###### Does it have a name on x-axis? ###### Does it have a legend? ![alt text][logo] [logo]: ../w1day03_ex1_plot1.png "Bar plot ex1" --- --- #### Exercise 2: Pandas plot 2 ###### For question 1, does the plot reproduce the plot in the image and respect the following criteria? It is important to observe that the older people are, the the more children they have. ###### Does it have a title? ###### Does it have a name on x-axis and y-axis? ![alt text][logo_ex2] [logo_ex2]: ../w1day03_ex2_plot1.png "Scatter plot ex2" --- --- #### Exercise 3: Matplotlib 1 ###### For question 1, does the plot reproduce the plot in the image and respect those criteria? ###### Does it have a title? ###### Does it have a name on x-axis and y-axis? ###### Are the x-axis and y-axis limited to [1,8]? ###### Is the line a red dashdot line with a width of 3? ###### Are the circles blue circles with a size of 12? ![alt text][logo_ex3] [logo_ex3]: ../w1day03_ex3_plot1.png "Scatter plot ex3" --- --- #### Exercise 4: Matplotlib 2 ###### For question 1, does the plot reproduce the plot in the image and respect those criteria? ###### Does it have a title? ###### Does it have a name on x-axis and y-axis? ###### Is the left data black? ###### Is the right data red? ![alt text][logo_ex4] [logo_ex4]: ../w1day03_ex4_plot1.png "Twin axis ex4" https://matplotlib.org/gallery/api/two_scales.html --- --- #### Exercise 5: Matplotlib subplots ###### For question 1, does the plot reproduces the plot in the image and respect those criteria? ###### Does it contain 6 subplots (2 rows, 3 columns)? ###### Does it have space between plots (`hspace=0.5` and `wspace=0.5`)? ###### Do all subplots contain a title: `Title i`? ###### Do all subplots contain a text `(2,3,i)` centered at `(0.5, 0.5)`? _Hint_: check the parameter `ha` of `text`. ###### Have all subplots been created in a for loop? ![alt text][logo_ex5] [logo_ex5]: ../w1day03_ex5_plot1.png "Subplots ex5" --- --- #### Exercise 6: Plotly 1 ##### The exercise is validated if all questions of the exercise are validated ###### For question 1, does the plot reproduce the plot in the image and respect those criteria? ###### Does it have the title? ###### Does it have a name on x-axis and y-axis? ![alt text][logo_ex6] [logo_ex6]: ../w1day03_ex6_plot1.png "Time series ex6" ###### For question 2, does the plot reproduce the plot in the image by using `plotly.graph_objects` and respect those criteria? ###### Does it have a title? ###### Does it have a name on x-axis and y-axis? ![alt text][logo_ex6] [logo_ex6]: ../w1day03_ex6_plot1.png "Time series ex6" --- --- #### Exercise 7: Plotly Box plots ###### For question 1, does the plot reproduce the plot in the image as asked in the subject? ###### Does the figure as 3 box plots? ###### Does the 3 box plots show normal distributions around 0, 1 and 2 respectively? Due to the random nature of the distributions, the two graphs do not require a perfect match ![alt text][logo_ex7] [logo_ex7]: ../w1day03_ex7_plot1.png "Box plot ex7"