const db = (() => { //countries that won the FIFA World Cup const countries = [ { id: 1, name: 'Brazil', continent: 'South America' }, { id: 2, name: 'Germany', continent: 'Europe' }, { id: 3, name: 'Italy', continent: 'Europe' }, { id: 4, name: 'Argentina', continent: 'South America' }, { id: 5, name: 'France', continent: 'Europe' }, { id: 6, name: 'Uruguay', continent: 'South America' }, { id: 7, name: 'England', continent: 'Europe' }, { id: 8, name: 'Spain', continent: 'Europe' }, ] //Information about the wins const results = [ { id: 1, countryId: 6, year: 1930, score: '4-2' }, { id: 2, countryId: 3, year: 1934, score: '2-1' }, { id: 3, countryId: 3, year: 1938, score: '4-2' }, { id: 4, countryId: 6, year: 1950, score: '2-1' }, { id: 5, countryId: 2, year: 1954, score: '3-2' }, { id: 6, countryId: 1, year: 1958, score: '5-2' }, { id: 7, countryId: 1, year: 1962, score: '3-1' }, { id: 8, countryId: 7, year: 1966, score: '4-2' }, { id: 9, countryId: 1, year: 1970, score: '4-1' }, { id: 10, countryId: 2, year: 1974, score: '2-1' }, { id: 11, countryId: 4, year: 1978, score: '3-1' }, { id: 12, countryId: 3, year: 1982, score: '3-1' }, { id: 13, countryId: 4, year: 1986, score: '3-2' }, { id: 14, countryId: 2, year: 1990, score: '1-0' }, { id: 15, countryId: 1, year: 1994, score: '3-2p' }, { id: 16, countryId: 5, year: 1998, score: '3-0' }, { id: 17, countryId: 1, year: 2002, score: '2-0' }, { id: 18, countryId: 3, year: 2006, score: '5-3p' }, { id: 19, countryId: 8, year: 2010, score: '1-0' }, { id: 20, countryId: 2, year: 2014, score: '1-0' }, { id: 21, countryId: 5, year: 2018, score: '4-2' }, ] return { //returns the information of the country getWinner: async (countryName) => { const match = countries.find((country) => === countryName) if (!match) throw Error('Country Not Found') return match }, //returns the information of the wins of that country getResults: async (countryId) => { const match = results.filter((result) => result.countryId === countryId) if (!match.length) throw Error('Results Not Found') return match }, addCountry: (country) => countries.push(country), addResults: (result) => results.push(result), } })() // /*/ // ⚡ export const tests = [] const t = (f) => tests.push(f) t(async ({ eq }) => // testing correct continent but wrong number of times eq( await isWinner('England'), 'England is not what we are looking for because of the number of times it was champion' ) ) t(async ({ eq }) => // testing non winner country eq(await isWinner('Colombia'), 'Colombia never was a winner') ) t(async ({ eq }) => // testing wrong continent country eq( await isWinner('Uruguay'), 'Uruguay is not what we are looking for because of the continent' ) ) t(async ({ eq }) => // testing no country eq(await isWinner(''), ' never was a winner') ) t(async ({ eq }) => // testing correct number of times but wrong continent eq( await isWinner('Brazil'), 'Brazil is not what we are looking for because of the continent' ) ) t(async ({ eq }) => // testing correct number of times and correct continent eq( await isWinner('Germany'), 'Germany won the FIFA World Cup in 1954, 1974, 1990, 2014 winning by 3-2, 2-1, 1-0, 1-0' ) ) t(async ({ eq }) => // testing France eq( await isWinner('France'), 'France is not what we are looking for because of the number of times it was champion' ) ) t(async ({ eq, ctx }) => // testing correct number of times and correct continent, for the fake country eq( await isWinner(, `${} won the FIFA World Cup in 2022, 2026, 2030 winning by 1-0, 3-1, 2-1` ) ) Object.freeze(tests) export const setup = () => { const seed = Math.random() const name = seed.toString(36).slice(2) db.addCountry({ id: 9, name, continent: 'Europe' }) db.addResults({ countryId: 9, year: 2022, score: '1-0' }) db.addResults({ countryId: 9, year: 2026, score: '3-1' }) db.addResults({ countryId: 9, year: 2030, score: '2-1' }) return { name } }