## brackets ### Instructions Write a program that takes an undefined number of `strings` in arguments. For each argument, if the expression is correctly bracketed, the program prints on the standard output `OK` followed by a newline(`'\n'`), otherwise it prints "Error" followed by a newline. Symbols considered as `brackets` are parentheses `(` and `)`, square brackets `[` and `]` and curly braces `{` and `}`. Every other symbols are simply ignored. An opening bracket must always be closed by the good closing bracket in the correct order. A `string` which does not contain any bracket is considered as a correctly bracketed `string`. If there is no argument, the program must print only a newline. ### Usage ```console student@ubuntu:~/student/brackets$ go build student@ubuntu:~/student/brackets$ ./brackets '(johndoe)' | cat -e OK$ student@ubuntu:~/student/brackets$ ./brackets '([)]' | cat -e Error$ student@ubuntu:~/student/brackets$ ./brackets '' '{[(0 + 0)(1 + 1)](3*(-1)){()}}' | cat -e OK$ OK$ student@ubuntu:~/student/brackets$ ./brackets | cat -e $ student@ubuntu:~/student/brackets$ ```