## find-files-extension ### Instructions Create a file `find-files-extension.sh`, which will look, from the current directory and its sub-folders for: all the files with `.txt` extension. That command will only show the name of the files without the extension `.txt`. - You can use this for testing: https://assets.01-edu.org/devops-branch/find-files-extension-example.zip - What to use : `find` - The output should be exactly like the example bellow but with the expected name ```console $pwd <..>/find-files-extension-example $./find-files-extension.sh | cat -e qwep$ pq1$ zzzz$ ziko$ wei$ ek$ $ ``` ### Hints The `find` command is used to search and locate the list of files and directories based on conditions you specify for files that match the arguments: You can use REGEX in the `find` command. ```console $ find ~/ -iregex '' $ ``` REGEX for txt files: `.*\.\(txt\)` The `cut` command is a command-line utility that allows you to cut out sections of a specified file or piped data and print the result: ```console $ cat cut-example.txt abc-lol testtest-abcx qwerty-azerty-x $ cat cut-example.txt | cut -d "-" -f 1 # cut the lines with "-" as delimiter and print the first part. abc testtest qwerty $ ``` You may need to use pipes `(|)` and the logical operator `&&`. > You have to use Man or Google to know more about commands flags, in order to solve this exercice! > Google and Man will be your friends! ### References [Regex](https://www.computerhope.com/jargon/r/regex.htm)