#### Functional > In order to run and hot reload app either on emulator or device, follow the [instructions](https://docs.flutter.dev/get-started/test-drive?tab=androidstudio#run-the-app) ###### Does the application run without crashes? ###### Does the application have Bottom tabbar? ###### Does the application show google maps? ###### Does the application show list of favorite places? ###### Does the application show list of favorite places after reopening application? ###### Does the application contain an information page? ###### Does map show markers with favorite places? ###### When map is tapped, does dialog window show 2 textfields: name and description? ###### Does the application have current location button. If so, does it lead you to your current place? ###### Does the application have searchbar? ###### Tap the searchbar. Does the application show list of suggestions? ###### Tap an item in suggestion list. Does the map navigate to place? ###### Can you delete a place from favorites places list? ###### Delete place from list. Does the application remove it from map? ###### Does the application work both on android and ios? ###### Tap on marker. Do you see relevant information about the place?