package main import "" const CLOSE = 0 const OPEN = 1 type Door struct { State int } func PrintStr(s string) { for _, r := range s { z01.PrintRune(r) } z01.PrintRune('\n') } func CloseDoor(ptrDoor *Door) { PrintStr("Door Closing...") ptrDoor.State = CLOSE } func OpenDoor(ptrdoor *Door) { PrintStr("Door Opening...") ptrdoor.State = OPEN } func IsDoorOpened(ptrDoor *Door) bool { PrintStr("is the Door opened ?") return ptrDoor.State == OPEN } func IsDoorClosed(ptrDoor *Door) bool { PrintStr("is the Door closed ?") return ptrDoor.State == CLOSE } func main() { var door Door OpenDoor(&door) if IsDoorClosed(&door) { OpenDoor(&door) } if IsDoorOpened(&door) { CloseDoor(&door) } if door.State == OPEN { CloseDoor(&door) } }