#### Functional ###### Has the requirement for the allowed packages been respected? (Reminder for this project: (only [standard packages](https://golang.org/pkg/) ##### Run both my-ls-1 and the system command `ls` with no arguments. ###### Does it display the same files and/or folders in the same order? ##### Run both my-ls-1 and the system command `ls` with the arguments: `""`. ###### Does it display the same file? ##### Run both my-ls-1 and the system command `ls` with the arguments: `""`. ###### Does it display the same files and/or folders in the same order? ##### Run both my-ls-1 and the system command `ls` with the flag: `"-l"`. ###### Does it display the same files and/or folders with the same display? ##### Run both my-ls-1 and the system command `ls` with the arguments: `"-l "`. ###### Does it display the same file with the same display? ##### Run both my-ls-1 and the system command `ls` with the arguments: `"-l "`. ###### Does it display the same files and/or folders with the same display? ##### Run both my-ls-1 and the system command `ls` with the flag: `"-l /usr/bin"`. ###### Does it display the same files and/or folders with the same display? Be aware of symbolic links. ##### Run both my-ls-1 and the system command `ls` with the flag: `"-R"`, in a directory with folders in it. ###### Does it display the same files and/or folders? ##### Run both my-ls-1 and the system command `ls` with the flag: `"-a"`. ###### Does it display the same files and/or folders in the same order? ##### Run both my-ls-1 and the system command `ls` with the flag: `"-r"`. ###### Does it display the same files and/or folders in the same order? ##### Run both my-ls-1 and the system command `ls` with the flag: `"-t"`. ###### Does it display the same files and/or folders in the same order? ##### Run both my-ls-1 and the system command `ls` with the flag: `"-la"`. ###### Does it display the same files and/or folders in the same order? ##### Run both my-ls-1 and the system command `ls` with the arguments: `"-l -t "`. ###### Does it display the same files and/or folders in the same order? ##### Run both my-ls-1 and the system command `ls` with the arguments: `"-lRr "`, in which the directory chosen contains folders. ###### Does it display the same files and/or folders in the same order? ##### Run both my-ls-1 and the system command ls with the arguments: `"-l -a "` ###### Is the output displayed the same way? ##### Run both my-ls-1 and the system command ls with the arguments: `"-lR ////// //"` ###### Is the output displayed the same way? Number of `/` must be the same. ##### Run both my-ls-1 and the system command ls with the arguments: `"-la /dev"` ###### Does it display the same files and/or folders with the same display? Do not pay attention to ACL permission flag. ##### Run both my-ls-1 and the system command ls with the arguments: `"-alRrt "`, in which the directory chosen contains folders and files within folders. Time of modification of all files within that folder must be the same. ###### Is the displayed output the same? ##### Create directory with `-` name and run both my-ls-1 and the system command ls with the arguments: `"-"` ###### Is the displayed output the same? ##### Create file and link for this file and run both my-ls-1 and the system command ls with the arguments: `"-l /"` ###### Is the displayed output the same? Pay attention to `/` at the end. ##### Create file and link for this file and run both my-ls-1 and the system command ls with the arguments: `"-l "` ###### Is the displayed output the same? ##### Create directory that contains files and link for this directory and run both my-ls-1 and the system command ls with the arguments: `"-l /"` ###### Is the displayed output the same? Pay attention to `/` at the end. ##### Create directory that contains files and link for this directory and run both my-ls-1 and the system command ls with the arguments: `"-l "` ###### Is the displayed output the same? #### General ###### +Does the program runs with colors as in the ls command? ###### +Does the program has other flags except for the mandatory ones? ##### Try running the program with `"-R ~"` and with the command time before the program name (ex: "time ./my-ls-1 -R ~"). ###### +Is the real time less than 1,5 seconds? #### Basic ###### +Does the code obey the [good practices](https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/good-practices.en)? ###### +Is there a test file for this code? ###### +Are the tests checking each possible case? #### Social ###### +Did you learn anything from this project? ###### +Would you recommend/nominate this program as an example for the rest of the school?