#### Functional > In order to run and hot reload the app either on emulator or device, follow the [instructions](https://docs.flutter.dev/get-started/test-drive?tab=androidstudio#run-the-app) ###### Does the app run without crashing? ###### Does the app home page contains movie icons? ###### Does every movie icon contain `name`, `image`, `genre`? ###### Can you confirm that the app is displaying the top-rated movies with descending rating on the home page? ###### Can you confirm that by tapping on a movie, a new route with more detailed information regarding the tapped movie is displayed? ###### Does the `movie page` display at least 5 parameters regarding the tapped movie? ###### Does the `appbar` have the name of the movie and a back button? ###### Is there a search-bar? ###### Does the search bar only look for movies, by `movie name`, just like SQL's **_ilike_** comparison? ###### Widgets should not be overflowed. Is it the case in both routes? ### Bonus ###### +Does the program use a database to store movie data instead of a JSON file for better performance and scalability? ###### +Are there any `navigation transitions` implemented when switching routes? ###### +Is there any `back navigation` implemented? ###### +Is there any animated `overscroll behavior`?