#### Ideation A, Ideation B and Ideation C ###### Is there a zip folder labeled as “ProjectTitle_Name_FirstName”? ###### Are the deliverables labeled as “Name_FirstName_DeliverableName_Date_VersionNumber”? ###### Are the deliverables in the correct format? ###### Are the documents clear, simple and easy to read? ###### Is there a script for the ideation workshop? ###### Is there the main objective? ###### Is there an ice breaker? ###### Are there the main steps of the ideation process? ###### Are there clear instructions? ###### Is there a time schedule for each step? ###### Is there a voting process to select the main idea? ###### Are there pictures of the workshop? ###### Is there a PDF document with one main concept that comes out of the workshop? ###### Are all the ideation techniques different?( Ideation A, Ideation B and Ideation C) #### User Flow ###### Is there a zip folder labeled as “ProjectTitle_Name_FirstName”? ###### Are the deliverables labeled as “Name_FirstName_DeliverableName_Date_VersionNumber”? ###### Are the documents clear, simple and easy to read? ###### Is there a document (digital or pictures of a paper one) with the user flow? ###### Does the user have a specific goal? ###### Is there a starting point and and ending point? ###### Is the ending point the goal of the user? ###### Is there a series of actions organized in rectangles (actions) or diamonds (choices)? ###### Are the actions linked with arrows? #### Prototyping ###### Is there a zip folder labeled as “ProjectTitle_Name_FirstName”? ###### Are the deliverables labeled as “Name_FirstName_DeliverableName_Date_VersionNumber”? ###### Are the documents clear, simple and easy to read? ###### Are there pictures of a paper prototype? ###### Are there between 6 and 12 different screens on the paper prototype? ###### Do the screens match the main steps of the user flow? ###### Are there mid-fidelity wireframes on Figma that match the paper prototypes? ###### Are the paper prototypes and wireframes in black, grey, and white and do not include any style elements?. ###### Does each screen have the principle navigation elements (arrows, menu, call to actions)? ###### Does each screen follow the other according to the user flow? #### Animation ###### Is the deliverable labeled as “Name_FirstName_DeliverableName_Date_VersionNumber”? ###### Is the deliverable in the correct format (Figma)? ###### Is there a title within the document? ###### Is there a starting screen? ###### Is there an ending screen? ###### Do all the connections between screens work? ###### Are there multistate buttons that change every time you click somewhere? #### Test wireframe ###### Is there a zip folder labeled as “ProjectTitle_Name_FirstName”? ###### Are the deliverables labeled as “Name_FirstName_DeliverableName_Date_VersionNumber”? ###### Are the documents clear, simple and easy to read? ###### Is there a PDF document with the test script? ###### Does the test script include a greeting and onboarding paragraph? ###### Does the test script include a scenario the user has to complete? ###### Does the test script include a conclusion to wrap up the test and thank the user? ###### Have 5 people tested the prototype? (ask the student for some prove) ###### Are there pictures of the ongoing tests? ###### Is there a PDF report with the student main insights and the 5 iterations that he needs to do for the next version?