> Due to file size reason, the solution might be uploaded on GitHub instead of Gitea! #### General ##### If, at any point during the audit, coupled code is detected that could have been resolved using the Observer pattern (`event dispatchers`), the audit will stop, and the student will fail the project. ###### Is the game following a coherent theme ? #### Main Menu ###### Is the main menu widget on a separate level/map from the main game map? ###### Does the main menu contain a Start game button? ###### Does the main menu contain an Exit game button? #### Player Character ###### Does the player character have a skeletal mesh? ###### Can the player character move only along two axes: left-right and up-down? ###### Does the player character have a basic locomotion system with all the required animations? ###### Does the player character transition smoothly between walking and running animations based on their speed? #### Collectible ###### Does the collectible Actor have a static mesh? ###### Does the collectible rotate around an axis? ###### Does the collectible have a box collider that acts as a trigger? ###### Is the collectible collected when the player enters its box trigger? ###### Does the collectible play a sound when collected? #### HUD ###### Does the HUD widget display a value related to the `collectible`? ###### Is the HUD updated each time a `collectible` is picked up? ###### Is the HUD also updated when picking a `collectible` that spawned from killing an enemy? #### Enemy ###### Does the enemy character have a skeletal mesh? ###### Does the enemy character have at least a walking cycle? ###### Does the enemy character have a simple AI that patrols between two set points? ###### Does the enemy character kill the player on collision? ###### Is the enemy character killed if the player lands on top of it? ###### Does the enemy character play a sound when killed? ###### Does the enemy character create an instance of a `Collectible` at the place of death? #### Game loop ###### Is there a spawn point where the player starts? ###### Does the player respawn at the spawn point when dead? ###### Is there an end point that defines the player’s goal to finish the level? ###### When the player reaches the end point, is a menu displayed with options to restart or quit the game? #### Level design ###### Does the level design avoid being just a long, empty run to the finish point? ###### Does the level include mechanics chosen by the student? `(e.g. moving platforms skill-based platforming)` ###### Does the level provide a fun and challenging experience for the player? #### Bonus ###### +Has a health system been added to both the player character and the enemy character using Components? ###### +Has a simple crouch been added to the player character's locomotion system? ###### +Have additional mechanics been implemented to fit the overall game design? ###### +Has a simple Game Design Document been created that describes the mechanics and outlines the plan for implementing them?