package solutions type TreeNode struct { Left, Right, Parent *TreeNode Data string } func BTreeInsertData(bt *TreeNode, elem string) *TreeNode { if bt == nil { return &TreeNode{Data: elem} } if elem < bt.Data { bt.Left = BTreeInsertData(bt.Left, elem) bt.Left.Parent = bt } else if elem >= bt.Data { bt.Right = BTreeInsertData(bt.Right, elem) bt.Right.Parent = bt } return bt } func BTreeApplyInorder(root *TreeNode, f func(...interface{}) (int, error)) { if root != nil { BTreeApplyInorder(root.Left, f) f(root.Data) BTreeApplyInorder(root.Right, f) } } func BTreeApplyPreorder(root *TreeNode, f func(...interface{}) (int, error)) { if root != nil { f(root.Data) BTreeApplyPreorder(root.Left, f) BTreeApplyPreorder(root.Right, f) } } func BTreeApplyPostorder(root *TreeNode, f func(...interface{}) (int, error)) { if root != nil { BTreeApplyPostorder(root.Left, f) BTreeApplyPostorder(root.Right, f) f(root.Data) } } func BTreeSearchItem(root *TreeNode, elem string) *TreeNode { if root == nil { return nil } if root.Data == elem { return root } if elem < root.Data { return BTreeSearchItem(root.Left, elem) } return BTreeSearchItem(root.Right, elem) } func BTreeLevelCount(root *TreeNode) int { if root == nil { return 0 } left := BTreeLevelCount(root.Left) right := BTreeLevelCount(root.Right) if left > right { return left + 1 } return right + 1 } func BTreeIsBinary(root *TreeNode) bool { condLeft := true condRight := true if root == nil { return true } if root.Left != nil { condLeft = BTreeIsBinary(root.Left) && root.Data >= root.Left.Data } if root.Right != nil { condRight = BTreeIsBinary(root.Right) && root.Data <= root.Right.Data } return condLeft && condRight } func applyGivenOrder(root *TreeNode, level int, f func(...interface{}) (int, error)) { if root == nil { return } if level == 0 { arg := interface{}(root.Data) f(arg) } else if level > 0 { applyGivenOrder(root.Left, level-1, f) applyGivenOrder(root.Right, level-1, f) } } // Apply the function f level by level func BTreeApplyByLevel(root *TreeNode, f func(...interface{}) (int, error)) { h := BTreeLevelCount(root) for i := 0; i < h; i++ { applyGivenOrder(root, i, f) } } /*----------------------------------- * node-> (A) (B) * / / \ * temp-> (B) --------> (C) (A) * / \ / * (C) [z] [z] *------------------------------------*/ func BTreeRotateRight(node *TreeNode) *TreeNode { if node == nil { return nil } if node.Left == nil { return node } temp := node.Left node.Left = temp.Right if temp.Right != nil { temp.Right.Parent = node } if node.Parent != nil { if node == node.Parent.Left { node.Parent.Left = temp } else { node.Parent.Right = temp } } temp.Right = node temp.Parent = node.Parent node.Parent = temp return temp } /*------------------------------------ * node->(A) (B) * \ / \ * temp-> (B) -------> (A) (C) * / \ \ * [z] (C) [z] *------------------------------------- */ func BTreeRotateLeft(node *TreeNode) *TreeNode { if node == nil { return nil } if node.Right == nil { return node } temp := node.Right node.Right = temp.Left if temp.Left != nil { temp.Left.Parent = node } if node.Parent != nil { if node == node.Parent.Left { node.Parent.Left = temp } else { node.Parent.Right = temp } } temp.Left = node temp.Parent = node.Parent node.Parent = temp return temp } // Returns the maximum node in the subtree started by root func BTreeMax(root *TreeNode) *TreeNode { if root == nil || root.Right == nil { return root } return BTreeMax(root.Right) } // Returns the minimum value in the subtree started by root func BTreeMin(root *TreeNode) *TreeNode { if root == nil || root.Left == nil { return root } return BTreeMin(root.Left) } func BTreeTransplant(root, node, repla *TreeNode) *TreeNode { if root == nil { return nil } replacement := node if node.Parent == nil { root = repla } else if node == node.Parent.Left { replacement.Parent.Left = repla } else { replacement.Parent.Right = repla } if repla != nil { repla.Parent = node.Parent } return root } func BTreeDeleteNode(root, node *TreeNode) *TreeNode { if node != nil { if node.Left == nil { root = BTreeTransplant(root, node, node.Right) } else if node.Right == nil { root = BTreeTransplant(root, node, node.Left) } else { y := BTreeMin(node.Right) if y != nil && y.Parent != node { root = BTreeTransplant(root, y, y.Right) y.Right = node.Right y.Right.Parent = y } root = BTreeTransplant(root, node, y) y.Left = node.Left y.Left.Parent = y } } return root }