## balancedstring ### Instructions Balanced string is a string that has equal quantity of 'C' and 'D' characters. Write a program that takes a string and outputs maximum amount of balanced strings without ignoring any letters. Display output with `\n` at the end of line. If the number of arguments is not 1, display nothing. It will only be tested strings containing the characters 'C' and 'D'. ### Usage ```console $ go run . "CDCCDDCDCD" 4 $ go run . "CDDDDCCCDC" 3 $ go run . "DDDDCCCC" 1 $ go run . "CDCCCDDCDD" 2 $ ``` In first example "CDCCDDCDCD" can be split into "CD", "CCDD", "CD", "CD", each substring contains same number of 'C' and 'D'. Second, "CDDDDCCCDC" can be split into: "CD", "DDDCCC", "DC". "DDDDCCCC" can be split into "DDDDCCCC". "CDCCCDDCDD" can be split into: "CD", "CCCDDCDD", since each substring contains an equal number of 'C' and 'D'