## Non Fungible Cats Today's quest objective is to master Non Fungible Tokens, NFTs. To represent a simple token, we used a smart contract with with each blockchain address amount of tokens. We talk about fungible token because each token has the same value. A Non-Fungible Token is a token with a unique identifier, usually part of a collection. NFTs are used to represent playing cards, works of art, financial securities and even physical objects. Internally fungible token that we have seen in the prior quest are represented with a mapping from addresses to an amount: Address ---> Amount 0x2FE34 20 Non-Fungible Tokens are represented with a mapping of unique identifiers to an owner Identifier ---> Address 123455 0x2FE34 In addition, each token is linked to an Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) where additional information about the NFT can be found, such as metadata, an image... Identifier ---> Address 123455 0x2FE34 ---> URI bafkreiajlq3 ### **Content** ### Mandatory 1. `Napping Cats ` 2. `Showcase` ### Optional 3. `Automated Reveal` --- --- ### Exercise 1: Napping Cats In this exercise we will create a basic NFT smart contract, and use it to instantiate an NFT collection with some custom functions ### Instructions #### Basic NFT - Create a smart contract `basicNFT` - Create a `constructor` function that takes a string that will be used as a name for the NFT. - Create a public function `ownerOf()` that associate a token to the address of its owner - Create a public function `TokenURI()` that associate a token to a resource - Create a function `transfer(uint, address)` that takes as parameters an identifier (a positive integer) and an address to allow the owner of a NFT to transfer it. _Optionally you can implement or reuse the full ERC721 standard_ #### Napping cats - Create a smart contract `Napping Cats` that inherits from basicNFT - Its constructor function takes a new parameter, initial price, that fixes the initial sale price of the NFT collection - Instantiate the first three cats inside the smart contract with for each a json file (0.json, 1.json, 2.json) that contain a field name and a field image that points to a local or online image. NFTs initially don't have an owner #### Trading functions - Add to `Napping Cats` a function `listToken(uint256 id, uint256 price)` that lists the token for sale at the proposed price - Add to `Napping Cats` a function `buyToken(uint256 id)`, payable, that allows an user to buy a token - For the initial sale price defined by the constructor for new tokens - For the listed price by the function listToken _Optionally, the price for new tokens is an auction. It starts at 100x of the initial sale price or the last paid price for a new token and decreases over time to reach 0 after 24 hours._ ### Resources - [ERC721 standart](https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-721) - [Uniform Ressource Identifier Definition](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_Resource_Identifier) --- --- ### Exercise 2: Showcase We will now be able to display our NFT collection on a website and allow user to use the interface to buy and sell tokens. ### Instructions - Reuse the `Napping Cats` smart contract from the previous exercise - Create a webpage index.html that connects to the napping Cats smart contract and displays the corresponding URIs as a table - Add a button to connect a wallet. - Offer a buy button connected to the buyToken - _optionally : the buy button display the current price of this specific token_ - Once the wallet is connected, offer a sell token under the tokens owned by the user - The button should open a modal or include an input field to give a listing price. - provide a script and a guide to deploy the smart contract and serve the webpage ### Resources - [ERC721 Standard](https://ethereum.org/en/developers/docs/standards/tokens/erc-721/) - [solidity docs](https://docs.soliditylang.org/) - [learn X in Y](https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/solidity/) - [Remix IDE](https://remix.ethereum.org) - [hardhat](https://hardhat.org) --- --- ### Exercise 3: Automated Reveal (Optional) In some auctions, NFT images are only revealed once purchased. For this we will create a node server that will serve the images only once they are purchased. ### Instructions - Create a node server file index.js - Listen on port 3030 and connect to a local node 8545 - Add the nappingCats exercise, modifying tokenURI to match the local node server - The server is launched with a smart contract address as parameter - For each request for an image X.jpg, only return it if the token has an owner. - Optionnally, using IPFS - The Json file contain the futur hash of tokens on IPFS - The server periodically monitor the smart contract for new owners - Once a new owner is found, the image is published on a local or remote IPFS server ### Resources - [Express documentation](https://expressjs.com/en/4x/api.html) - [IPFS documentation](https://docs.ipfs.tech/reference/) - [Pinata documentation (commercial pining serivce)](https://docs.pinata.cloud/pinata-api/pinning-services-api) --- ---