#!/bin/bash if [[ $# != 1 || -z "$1" || ! "$1" =~ ^[0-9]+$ || "$1" -lt 1 || "$1" -gt 100 ]] then echo "Error: wrong argument" exit 1 fi number=$1 # Start the for loop for player two for (( tries_left=5 ; tries_left > 0; tries_left-- )) do echo "Enter your guess ($tries_left tries left):" read guess if [[ $? < 0 ]] then exit 1 fi if [[ -z "$guess" || ! "$guess" =~ ^[0-9]+$ || "$guess" -lt 1 || "$guess" -gt 100 ]] then tries_left=$tries_left+1 continue fi if [[ "$guess" -eq "$number" ]] then echo "Congratulations, you found the number in $((5-$tries_left+1)) moves!" exit fi if [[ "$guess" -lt "$number" ]] then echo "Go up" else echo "Go down" fi done echo "You lost, the number was $number"