#### Functional ##### Try playing the game ###### Does the game runs without crashing? ###### Does animation run using `RequestAnimationFrame`? ###### Is the game single player? ###### Does the game avoid the use of `canvas`? ###### Does the game avoid the use of frameworks? ###### Is the game chosen from the pre-approved list? ##### Try pausing the game while it is running. ###### Does the game display the pause menu, with the options: continue and restart? ##### Try pausing the game while it is running and choose the continue option. ###### Does the game continue? ##### Try pausing the game while it is running and choose the restart option. ###### Does the game restart? ##### Use the Dev Tool/Performance to record and try pausing the game while it is running. ###### Can you confirm there aren't any dropped frames, and requestAnimationFrame is able to run at the same rate unaffected? ##### Try moving the player/element using the proper commands and keys to do so. ###### Does the player obey the commands? ##### Try moving the player/element using the proper commands and keys to do so. ###### Does the player move without spamming the key to do so? ##### Try playing the game. ###### Does the game work like it should (as one of the games from the pre-approved list)? ##### Try playing the game. ###### Does the countdown/timer clock seem to be working? ##### Try playing the game and score some points. ###### Does the score seems to work like it should, by increasing at a certain action done by the player? ##### Try playing the game and try losing a life. ###### Does the player lives seem to work like it should, by decreasing the numbers of lives of the player? ##### Try using the Dev Tool/Performance. ###### Can you confirm that there are no frame drops? ##### Try using the Dev Tool/Performance. ###### Does the game run at/or around 60fps? (from 50 to 60 or more) ##### Try using the Dev Tool/performance and the option rendering with the paint ON, if possible. ###### Can you confirm that the paint is being used as little as possible? ##### Try using the Dev Tool/performance and the option rendering with the layer ON, if possible. ###### Can you confirm that the layers are being used as little as possible? ###### Is [layer creation being promoted](https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/performance/rendering/stick-to-compositor-only-properties-and-manage-layer-count) properly? #### Bonus ###### +Does the project runs quickly and effectively? (Favoring recursive, no unnecessary data requests, etc) ###### +Does the code obey the [good practices](../../good-practices/README.md)? ###### +Does the program reuses memory to avoid jank? ###### +Does the game use [svg](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG)? ###### +Is the code using asynchronicity to increase performance? ###### +Do you think in general this project is well done?