## Index Of ### Instructions Create 3 functions which accept an array to be searched, and a value to be matched. - `indexOf`: which returns the index of the first occurrence. It also accepts an **optional** index from where the search should begin. If the value was not found, `-1` is returned. - `lastIndexOf`: which works just like your `indexOf` function, but returns the index of the last occurrence. - `includes`: which returns `true` if the value was found in the array, and `false` otherwise. > Of course you **must not** use any of `Array.indexOf()`, `Array.lastIndexOf()` or `Array.includes()`. ### Notions - [Array.indexOf](https://devdocs.io/javascript/global_objects/array/indexof) - [Array.lastIndexOf](https://devdocs.io/javascript/global_objects/array/lastindexof) - [Array.includes](https://devdocs.io/javascript/global_objects/array/includes) ### Code provided > The provided code will be added to your solution, and does not need to be submitted. ```js Array.prototype.indexOf = undefined Array.prototype.lastIndexOf = undefined Array.prototype.includes = undefined ```