#### Styleguide ###### Is the deliverable labeled as “Name_FirstName_DeliverableName_Date_VersionNumber”? ###### Is the deliverable in the correct format (Figma)? ###### Is there a title within the document? ###### Is the document clear, simple and easy to read? ###### Does the moodboard include pictures? ###### Does the moodboard include 2 to 3 main colors? ###### Is there typography for a title? ###### Is there typography for a description or subtitle? ###### Is there typography for some content? ###### Is there typography for a button? #### Design system library ###### Is the deliverable labeled as “Name_FirstName_DeliverableName_Date_VersionNumber”? ###### Is the deliverable in the correct format (Figma)? ###### Is there a title within the document? ###### Is the document clear, simple and easy to read? ###### Are there at least 30 graphic design elements? ###### Are there at least 5 atoms? ###### Are there at least 5 molecules? ###### Are there at least 5 organisms? ###### Are there at least 10 multistate elements? #### Design screens ###### Is the deliverable labeled as “Name_FirstName_DeliverableName_Date_VersionNumber”? ###### Is the deliverable in the correct format (Figma)? ###### Is there a title within the document? ###### Is the document clear, simple and easy to read? ###### Are there 5 screens? ###### Do style, colors, buttons, text match with the initial wireframes? #### Animation ###### Is the deliverable labeled as “Name_FirstName_DeliverableName_Date_VersionNumber”? ###### Is the deliverable in the correct format (Figma)? ###### Is there a title within the document? ###### Is the document clear, simple and easy to read? ###### Can you confirm that this is a high-fidelity prototype? ###### Is there a starting screen? ###### Is there an ending screen? ###### Do all the connections between screens work? ###### Are there multistate buttons which change every time you click somewhere? #### Desirability testing ###### Is there a zip folder? ###### Is there a zip folder labeled as “ProjectTitle_Name_FirstName”? ###### Are the deliverables labeled as “Name_FirstName_DeliverableName_Date_VersionNumber”? ###### Are the documents clear, simple and easy to read? ###### Is there a desirability testing board with 25+ different adjectives? ###### Are there pictures from the desirability test? ###### Is there a PDF document with the outcomes of the desirability test? ##### Confirm if the outcome are consistent with the values. If they are just answer "YES" to the next question. ###### If the outcomes are not consistent with the values, are there 3 suggestions on how to make the moodboard and design library evolve?