package solutions import ( "math/rand" "" ) func ContainsPlusMinus(s string) bool { for _, c := range s { if c == '+' || c == '-' { return true } } return false } func UniqueChar(s string) bool { r := []rune(s) n := len(r) for i := 0; i < n-1; i++ { if InStr(r[i], s[i+1:n]) { return false } } return true } func InStr(c rune, s string) bool { for _, r := range s { if c == r { return true } } return false } func ValidBase(base string) bool { return len(base) >= 2 && !ContainsPlusMinus(base) && UniqueChar(base) } func Power(nbr int, pwr int) int { if pwr == 0 { return 1 } if pwr == 1 { return nbr } return nbr * Power(nbr, pwr-1) } func AtoiBase(s string, base string) int { var result int var i int sign := 1 lengthBase := len(base) lengths := len(s) if !ValidBase(base) { return 0 } if s[i] == '-' { sign = -1 } if s[i] == '-' || s[i] == '+' { i++ } for i < len(s) { result = result + (Index(base, string(s[i])) * Power(lengthBase, lengths-1)) i++ lengths-- } return result * sign } // this function is used to create the tests (input VALID bases here) func RandomValidBase() string { validBases := []string{ "01", "CHOUMIisDAcat!", "choumi", "0123456789", "abc", "Zone01", "0123456789ABCDEF", "WhoAmI?", } index := rand.Intn(len(validBases)) return validBases[index] } // this function is used to create the tests (input INVALID bases here) func RandomInvalidBase() string { invalidBases := []string{ "0", "1", "CHOUMIisdacat!", "choumiChoumi", "01234567890", "abca", "Zone01Zone01", "0123456789ABCDEF0", "WhoAmI?IamWhoIam", } index := z01.RandIntBetween(0, len(invalidBases)-1) return invalidBases[index] } // this function is used to create the random STRING number from VALID BASES func RandomStringFromBase(base string) string { letters := []rune(base) size := z01.RandIntBetween(1, 10) r := make([]rune, size) for i := range r { r[i] = letters[rand.Intn(len(letters))] } return string(r) }