#### Functional ##### Open the documentation file. ###### Is the documentation written in a markdown file? ###### Does the documentation contains an explanation of every feature of the framework? ###### Does the documentation contains an explanation and code examples on how to create an element, add attributes to an element, create an event and nest elements? ###### Does the documentation contains an explanation on how the framework works? ##### Open the todoMVC project and compare it to other [todoMVC project](http://todomvc.com/) ([example](http://todomvc.com/examples/vanillajs/)). ###### Does it contain every element as the other todoMVCs examples? ##### Open the Web Developer Tools (Ctrl+Shift+I) and check for the classes, ids, etc. ###### Does it correctly correspond to those in the examples? ###### Can you add a to-do element to the to-do list? ###### When you add a to-do element to the list, does the footer (element with class footer) appear as in other examples? ###### Can you check/uncheck a to-do element on the list? ###### Can you remove a to-do element off the list? ##### Add at least 2 to-dos and select only one of them. ###### If you click on the **Active** button, does it appear only the unchecked to-dos? ###### And if you click on the **Completed** button, does it appear only the checked to-dos? ###### Does it appear a **Clear Completed** button to-dos? ###### When clicking on the clear completed button, does it remove only the checked to-dos? ###### When clicking on the **Active** and **Completed** buttons, does the URL change? ##### Add 3 to-dos to the list and check each one, keeping an eye on the counter of to-dos left to do. ###### Does the counter change accordingly to your actions? ###### If you double click a to-do element on the list can you edit that element? #### Basic ###### +Does the code obey the [good practices](../../good-practices/README.md)? #### Bonus ###### +Is the performance similar both in the student todoMVC and other examples? ###### +Is it easier to handle the DOM using the framework than it is to use plain HTML and JS? ###### +Is it easier to handle the routing in JS using the framework? ###### +Does the project runs quickly and effectively? (Favoring recursive, no unnecessary data requests, etc) ###### +Is the code using synchronicity to increase performance? ###### +Do you think in general this project is well done? #### Social ###### +Did you learn anything from this project? ###### +Would you recommend/nominate this program as an example for the rest of the school?